The Brett Kimberlin Saga:

Follow this link to my BLOCKBUSTER STORY of how Brett Kimberlin, a convicted terrorist and perjurer, attempted to frame me for a crime, and then got me arrested for blogging when I exposed that misconduct to the world. That sounds like an incredible claim, but I provide primary documents and video evidence proving that he did this. And if you are moved by this story to provide a little help to myself and other victims of Mr. Kimberlin’s intimidation, such as Robert Stacy McCain, you can donate at the PayPal buttons on the right. And I thank everyone who has done so, and will do so.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

About Comments...

You know, if I was going to allow comments it would help if I told Blogger I was allowing comments...

Which is my roundabout way of saying I (stupidly) didn't have it set up to accept comments and I believe now it is fixed. Thanks to the commenters at Patterico's who alerted me to the problem.


  1. now it can be told
    most worthy aaron worthing
    a breath of fresh air

    - CH

  2. Thanks. Tried to thank you for your work on Patterico site and couldn't. So now, I have.
