Update: Bill Schmalfeldt is now bravely running away:
Ah, so he was being sarcastic, as indicated by... absolutely nothing he said at all. He always has an excuse when he backs off these legal threats, doesn't he? By the way, does this mean that Schmalfeldt also thinks that Brett Kimberlin's legal theory last year was unsound? Funny, because he has yet to offer a single criticism of Kimberlin's behavior in that case.
So as I reported yesterday, Bill Schmalfeldt was found to have harassed John Hoge. Specifically, the court found that Bill Schmalfeldt had continuously contacted Mr. Hoge after Mr. Hoge had asked him to stop, with hundreds of tweets including some that were downright offensive. And this was after Schmalfeldt threatened to SWAT Mr. Hoge as well.
.@aaronworthing is an idiot who does not understand the concept of sarcasm. One of many things, no doubt, that escape his comprehension.
— Bill Schmalfeldt (@BillSchmalfeldt) June 16, 2013
Ah, so he was being sarcastic, as indicated by... absolutely nothing he said at all. He always has an excuse when he backs off these legal threats, doesn't he? By the way, does this mean that Schmalfeldt also thinks that Brett Kimberlin's legal theory last year was unsound? Funny, because he has yet to offer a single criticism of Kimberlin's behavior in that case.
Update (II): What prompted the change in heart? I engage in educated speculation below.
So as I reported yesterday, Bill Schmalfeldt was found to have harassed John Hoge. Specifically, the court found that Bill Schmalfeldt had continuously contacted Mr. Hoge after Mr. Hoge had asked him to stop, with hundreds of tweets including some that were downright offensive. And this was after Schmalfeldt threatened to SWAT Mr. Hoge as well.
It is important also to note not
just what the court said, but what the court didn’t say. The court didn’t say that Schmalfeldt
couldn’t talk about Mr. Hoge to a
general audience. He was repeatedly told
that this was only about attempted contact with
Mr. Hoge, and that the ruling left him free to write about Mr. Hoge all he wants.
Last night, I also noted what a hypocrite Bill Schmalfeldt had been in this, writing:
And of course all of this is
incredibly hypocritical. As regular readers know (and I detailed here) for
almost a month I was forbidden by a peace order from writingabout Brett
Kimberlin. I had never contacted Kimberlin—except by mail to serve
process as required by law (and after being advised by the court that I was
allowed to do so)—but Kimberlin had claimed that merely writing about him
on the internet to a general audience was the same as writing to him,
in part because he set up google alerts to tell him when someone wrote
something about him and he found some idiot judge willing to go along with
that. The judge held that merely saying something bad about Kimberlin on
the internet was tantamount to inciting violence against Kimberlin—even though
I specifically and repeatedly stated that I wanted Kimberlin to only face
legal consequences for his actions and specifically and repeatedly made it
clear I did not want to see any violence come to him. But in the mind of
the judge, merely reporting (truthfully) bad things about him was enough to
constitute incitement. And in doing so the judge ignored binding Supreme
Court precedent by name with the now-famous line “forget Brandenburg.”
That, my dear friends, would have been a serious threat to freedom of speech—to say that you cannot write anything negative about anyone else without being charged with incitement....
That principle, applied broadly would be the death of journalism. It means that Jeffrey Skilling could suppress journalists writing about his malfeasance. Indeed, by that logic, Richard Nixon could have enjoined Woodward and Bernstein from their famous reporting on him and perhaps even arrested them as I had been. And did Schmalfeldt raise a peep in criticism of that ruling? No. In fact, it was shortly after that, that Schmalfeldt joined Team Kimberlin.
And as I noted in the post, this
theory that writing about Kimberlin was equivalent to contacting Kimberlin was
rejected by both the District Court and the Circuit court, and the District Court's
ruling that I had incited violence by merely saying bad things about Kimberlin was
quickly rejected on appeal. In short,
Judge Vaughey might have forgotten about Brandenburg
v. Ohio, but Judge Rupp of the Montgomery County Circuit Court did not and
appropriately ruled that my blogging about
Brett Kimberlin was protected speech. I
just can’t communicate directly with Brett Kimberlin which I don’t believe I
have ever knowingly done even once.
Well, today, Mr. Schmalfeldt
wrote the following on twitter:
@AaronWorthing @HeWhoMustNotBeNamed You no longer have my permission to refer to me by name in any of your publications. Stop harassing me.
— Bill Schmalfeldt (@BillSchmalfeldt) June 15, 2013
@AaronWorthing I have my search settings set to bring any mention of my name to my attention. Therefore, any mention of my name constitutes
— Bill Schmalfeldt (@BillSchmalfeldt) June 15, 2013
@AaronWorthing ...direct contact. I demand you CEASE all contact with me at once.
— Bill Schmalfeldt (@BillSchmalfeldt) June 15, 2013
@AaronWorthing As of 1:30pm, since I have set my Twitter feed to put any use of my name onto my timeline, any use of my name will be...
— Bill Schmalfeldt (@BillSchmalfeldt) June 15, 2013
@AaronWorthing ...considered direct contact. You are ordered to cease contact, meaning you are forbidden from using last name in any...
— Bill Schmalfeldt (@BillSchmalfeldt) June 15, 2013
@AaronWorthing variation or spelling or mocking use whatsoever. To continue will be considered harassment and will be treated as such.
— Bill Schmalfeldt (@BillSchmalfeldt) June 15, 2013
I mean consider how ridiculous
that would be if it was the case?
Technically you can set up a Google alert for any words in the English
language (or any you might make up). So
I could set up a Google alert, in theory, to search for the word “duck” and
then every time anyone writes the word “duck” on the internet, google will send
an email to my inbox. So could I say to
Schmalfeldt that every time he says the word “duck” on his blog that it causes
me to get an email and therefore he is contacting me? Or more seriously, could I set up a Google
alert for “Obama” and therefore every time Bill Schmalfeldt writes about
“Obama” he is causing me to get an email and therefore contacting me? Can I effectively tell Bill Schmalfeldt that
he cannot write about the President of the United States—good, bad or
Indeed in that scenario, Bill
Schmalfeldt is not contacting me. Google
is, telling me that Bill Schmalfeldt has written whatever triggers the Google
In fact, it goes much further
than that. If you search in twitter for
the word “schmalfeldt” and then narrow it to just “people” you get dozens of people who
have this name. Just to name a few,
there is a “cristian schmalfeldt” who goes by the handle @schmafeldt. There is a Reilly Schmalfeldt who goes by the
handle @its_rilezz and so on. There is
even a “Not Bill Schmalfeldt” parody account going by the name
@patriotombud. As far as I know none of
these people are the proven harasser Bill Schmalfeldt, and I am uncertain if
they have any relation to him at all. So
is it Schmalfeldt’s position that I can’t talk about anyone named Schmalfeldt,
not even Cristian or Reilly, or even whoever writes as “Not Bill Schmalfeldt”
without “harassing” him? It’s pure
That theory was indeed so
ridiculous that even the Montgomery County District Court, with a judge otherwise willing to
ignore binding Supreme Court precedent, did not adopt that theory. Go ahead, read the transcript of that hearing
for yourself, here. He rejected the theory that merely writing
about Kimberlin was tantamount to contacting him, but instead he ruled that
writing negative (but true) things about Kimberlin amounted to incitement and
thus harassment. Consider for instance,
this exchange with me:
Q: [the court] So
you get some -- and I'm going to use the word freak somewhere out in Oklahoma
got nothing better to do with his time, so he does the nastiest things in the
world he can to this poor gentleman [Kimberlin]. What right has that guy got to
do it?
A: [me] He has no
right to do that, but Your Honor—
Q: Because you
incited him,
A: But Your Honor, I
did not incite him within the Brandenburg
Q: Well, forget Brandenburg. Let's go by Vaughey right
now, and common sense out in the world.
Now, true incitement would
probably be a form of harassment. Imagine
hypothetically that you were a black man walking near a Klan rally, and the
Grand Wizard shouted, “there’s a n----r! Get him!” That would be incitement and I think most
people would say that is harassment as well, if it meets the other requirements
of the statute.
Certainly that hypothetical
scenario could be banned by Maryland
law, because it would meet the Brandenburg standard. Specifically, in Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the Court declared that:
the constitutional
guarantees of free speech and free press do not permit a State to forbid or
proscribe advocacy of the use of force or of law violation except where such
advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is
likely to incite or produce such action.
My hypothetical would meet that
criteria, but my conduct towards Kimberlin did not even come close. Not only do I not advocate violence against Kimberlin (or anyone, for that
matter), but I affirmatively told people not do anything like this. Indeed to this day I affirmatively state on
the bottom of every post that
I have accused some
people, particularly Brett Kimberlin,
of reprehensible conduct. In some cases, the conduct is even
criminal. In all cases, the only justice I want is through the
appropriate legal process—such as the criminal justice system. I do not want to see vigilante violence
against any person or any threat of such violence. This kind of conduct is not only morally
wrong, but it is counter-productive.
So my conduct doesn’t even meet
the first prong of that test. Indeed, Near
v. Minnesota (1931) might be an
even better precedent than Brandenburg
on this point. In Near, a newspaper was accused to making defamatory (and possibly
anti-Semitic) accusations against a local man that he was a “Jewish gangster”
who was operating with impunity because corrupt officials were looking the
other way. The state of Minnesota sought
to prevent the paper from publishing in part on the theory that by accusing
this citizen of “reprehensible conduct” they were creating a danger of
But the Supreme Court rejected
this theory, stating that
There is nothing new
in the fact that charges of reprehensible conduct may create resentment and the
disposition to resort to violent means of redress, but this well-understood
tendency did not alter the determination to protect the press against
censorship and restraint upon publication.
Well indeed what I did was almost
the same, only without the falsehoods or anti-Semitism (indeed Brett Kimberlin,
writing under the pseudonym Brietbart Unmasked, has
proven to be anti-Semitic towards me).
I accused Brett Kimberlin of “reprehensible conduct” and I have accused
authorities of failing to enforce the law against him. And the Near
court has said that this is not grounds for an injunction preventing
As regular readers know I
appealed that decision and literally while the appeal was pending we moved that
the court lift the prohibition against speaking about Brett Kimberlin (unless is a threat or meets the Brandenburg standard). The court granted that motion (prompting my
SWATting that evening), and then when the appeal was heard, the remaining parts
of the Peace Order was vacated. I
discussed all of this, here.
So Bill Schmalfeldt, who actually
sells T-shirts declaring he is part of Team Kimberlin, is trying the same
failed tactic.
But it gets more bogus than
that. If Bill Schmalfeldt files for such
a Peace Order, he will have to do it in Howard County, where judge Zwaig has said—in
my peace order hearing against
Schmalfeldt—that public figures cannot even stop a person from merely directly
contacting them. Bill Schmalfeldt
actually runs an internet radio show, so he can expect—in Howard County—to face
the same high hurdle I did.
And that is not even the end of
the bogusness of his approach. Let me
quote from the harassment statute again:
§ 3-803. Harassment
(a) Prohibited. -- A
person may not follow another in or about a public place or maliciously engage
in a course of conduct that alarms or seriously annoys the other:
(1) with the intent
to harass, alarm, or annoy the other;
(2) after receiving
a reasonable warning or request to stop by or on behalf of the other; and
(3) without a legal
(b) Exception. --
This section does not apply to a peaceable activity intended to express a
political view or provide information to others.
It goes on to lay out the
punishment for doing so, but that final part of that definition is what I wish
to focus on. Bill Schmalfeldt has made
it clear that he thinks that even this post would be harassment. But the exception clause makes it clear that
I am allowed to “provide information to others.” And hasn’t that been all that I have been
doing, here? So his interpretation has
to fail, if only because it would swallow the exception whole.
Now if I commit the additional
act of actively sending this post to him, either by email or a link on twitter,
and it met the other requirements in the law, that might be harassment
(although it would have to be multiple such communications in order to
constitute a course of conduct anyway).
But I won’t be talking to or
writing to him. I will only be talking about him. And he will not know what I have said unless he either actively seeks it out, or he instructs another program to actively seek it out for him.
Of course like his prior attempts
to intimidate me into silence, Schmalfeldt’s threats are almost certainly a
bluff. For instance, he knows or should
know that any attempt to file a peace order against me will be met by a
cross-petition against him. I told him
in February not to contact me and he has continually done so, directly, and
committed other harassing acts such as participating in the stalking of my wife
and I, and even publishing pictures from that stalking. So any petition by himself for a peace order
will be met by a cross-petition against him.
And my cross petition would be much more likely to succeed.
To understand why my petition would
be more likely to succeed, allow me to explain what it will take to get each. As I noted above, Howard County has already
ruled that public figures have a higher burden to bear. So in order to even have a chance at winning,
he will have to convince the judge to disregard that ruling. And then further he would have to convince
the judge to ignore the Montgomery County Circuit Court ruling that the Peace
Order statute doesn’t apply to talking about
someone on the internet unless it is meets the constitutional tests of threats
or harassment.
Meanwhile, to win a Peace Order
against him, I only have to do one thing: convince the judge to disregard the
ruling that as a public official I have to put up with more harassment. Once that rule is set aside, his conduct
becomes plainly harassment. Indeed what
he has done to me is far more egregious than my reporting about him and occasional
And there is a further cost to
this approach. Two times now,
Schmalfeldt has refused to comply with a subpoena of documents related to his
relationship with Brett Kimberlin. If he
files a peace order, he can surely expect another subpoena. Indeed, Kimberlin will be required to turn
over documents, too.
Now of course he might say, “but we
will just blow it off again.” Well,
except he can’t do that as the petitioner and then expect to get anything out
of the court. In that case, he (and
Kimberlin) would be actively impairing my ability to defend myself, and
therefore the court will not be willing to grant him the relief he seeks. I can simply say, “I am not prepared to put
on a defense because Mr. Schmalfeldt and his associate has refused to turn over
documents critical to my defense” and the judge will recognize that due process
requires that I be granted the opportunity to obtain discovery from him as part
of my right of a full defense, and will accordingly deny the petition out of
So Schmalfeldt will either have
to blow off the subpoena as he has in the past and lose his case automatically,
or he will have to comply and he would probably still lose. And given his conduct in the past it is
pretty clear he doesn’t want to comply.
Clearly, there is something in those documents he doesn’t want to come
The irony of all this is that
these legal threats themselves constitute a violation of the harassment
statute and a violation of the Peace Order granted just yesterday. Let’s remember what he said in the first tweet
to me:
@AaronWorthing @HeWhoMustNotBeNamed You no longer have my permission to refer to me by name in any of your publications. Stop harassing me.
— Bill Schmalfeldt (@BillSchmalfeldt) June 15, 2013
First off, this represents only
the latest example of him contacting me and thus constitutes harassment. Nor can it be said to be for a legal purpose,
for two reasons. First, as I have
demonstrated above, his legal theory is bogus and he knows that theory is
bogus. Second, he has a lawyer. That lawyer can communicate any fresh legal
threats against me without him having to communicate with me.
But even more than that, this
constitutes a violation of the peace order issued just yesterday. Plainly “HeWhoMustNotBeNamed” is Mr. Hoge and
the content of the communication evinces an intent that it be relayed back to
Mr. Hoge. What is the point of putting
someone “on notice” unless you expect them to learn of it? That, my friends, is contact, and you need
only one in order to violate the order (by contrast Mr. Schmalfeldt would have to allege that I have engaged in a course of conduct).
Consider, for instance, what the Maryland Court of Appeals said about
phone calls that violated a protective order.
In Triggs
v. State (2004), the Court of
Appeals was confronted with a man who violated a protective order by calling
his ex-wife repeatedly. Triggs argued
that the “flurry” of calls occurred close together in time and constituted a
single course of conduct and thus he should only be punished once. The court rejected this approach, stating
We also expressly
reject Petitioner's argument that the statute anticipates that a "single
course of conduct" such as a "flurry" of calls occurring within
seconds or minutes of each other should be treated as one offense under the
rule of lenity....
Moreover, we reject
the implication underlying Petitioner's "flurry" argument that
somehow the repeated calls were less violative of the protective order
precisely because there were so many of them and because some of them occurred
close in time to each other. In fact, as we stated in Boozer:
The courts of this
country have had little difficulty in concluding that separate acts resulting
in separate insults to the person of the victim may be separately charged and
punished even though they occur in close proximity to each other and even
though they are part of a single criminal episode or transaction.
Of course that case involved
protective orders and not peace orders, but they serve virtually the function
and the statutes are identical in every relevant way. There is no reason to think the courts will not read it the same.
So each tweet that the court
finds to be communication directed by Schmalfeldt at Hoge constitutes an
additional violation of the order. So we
have one that I think is definitely directed to Mr. Hoge. And while he doesn’t even allude to Hoge in
the subsequent tweets, a court might find that all of them were intended to be
communicated to Hoge as one legal threat and thus each separate tweet constitutes
a separate offense.
And contrary to what Schmalfeldt
has said online, the punishment is not six months per violation. Actually Md.
Cts and Jud. Procedings §3-1508 has a tiered approach to punishments:
§ 3-1508.
(a) Fines or
imprisonment. -- An individual who fails to comply with the relief granted in
an interim peace order under § 3-1503.1 of this subtitle, a temporary peace
order under § 3-1504(a)(2) of this subtitle, or a final peace order under §
3-1505(d)(1)(i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) of this subtitle is guilty of a
misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to:
(1) For a first
offense, a fine not exceeding $ 1,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 90 days or
both; and
(2) For a
second or subsequent offense, a fine not exceeding $ 2,500 or imprisonment not
exceeding 1 year or both.
(b) Arrest. -- A
law enforcement officer shall arrest with or without a warrant and take into
custody an individual who the officer has probable cause to believe is in
violation of an interim peace order, temporary peace order, or final peace
order in effect at the time of the violation.
So the first offense is would be
up to 90 days in prison. And the
remaining five—if the court finds that these constituted communication with
Hoge—would earn him up to five years in prison.
And the fines might add up to $13,500.
And let me be clear. It’s not the fact he is talking about Hoge
that is the problem. It is the fact that
he plainly intends this message to put Hoge on notice of conduct he is demanding
that he cease from engaging in it. How
can you supposedly put a person on notice without communicating with them? And if the notice was legitimate—if he was
asserting legal rights he actually had—that might be a legal purpose. But he is instead making a legal threat against
Hoge that he knows to be bogus, hence it is unlawful contact.
So to sum it up, after falsely
pretending to be the protector of free speech on the internet Bill Schmalfeldt
is now attempting to squelch protected speech, just like his self-described “friend”
Brett Kimberlin. He is doing so on a
legal theory that has been utterly rejected in two Montgomery Courts and he
knows this. In doing so, he is drawing
directly from the Brett Kimberlin speech suppression playbook. But like all the other attempts to intimidate
us into silence, this is a bluff and we know it. And more importantly, it won’t work.
And ironically when doing so he
committed harassment (including electronic harassment) against me, and violated
a peace order whose ink is barely dry.
Which leads me to wonder: did he
consult with his attorney, Tae Kim, before doing this? Well, Kim will find out about it soon enough...
Update (II): So what prompted Schmalfeldt to suddenly declare that
this was a joke at this time?
Well, let’s review the timeline,
shall we?
At exactly 9:07 p.m. Schmalfeldt
writes in the comments at Stacy’s blog “And now, I must off [sic] to bed.”
My post went up at exactly 9:09
p.m. And exactly two minutes later, I sent
an email to Tae Kim, Schmalfeldt’s lawyer.
It was essentially a shortened version of this post, except that I only glancingly
alluded to my belief that these tweets violated the peace order. Here’s the total sum of what I said about any
concern that he contacted Mr. Hoge:
Mr. Schmalfeldt
chose today to harass me again, proffering bogus legal theories in a series of
tweets directed to myself and apparently Mr. Hoge as well.
The rest of the email was about
my response, but that mention of Hoge is still there.
Then at 10:38 p.m. Schmalfeldt
tweeted out that he was just being sarcastic.
And at 10:59 he said something similar on McCain’s site. It was very important for him to communicate
to me that he was being sarcastic.
And let me share something I know
about lawyers. Most lawyers I know,
especially criminal lawyers, are connected twenty four hours a day. They make sure they can get all of their
email on their phones, they give their cell phone numbers to clients, and so
on. Indeed, Tae Kim gives out a cell
phone number right on his website. I won’t
link to his site, because that would seem to be a schmucky thing to do, but it’s
So I tend to think that Mr. Kim is
constantly checking his emails. And I tend
to think that he saw it and said, “holy crap, what did my client do now?” And so he gave Schmalfeldt a call and read
him the riot act.
After all, here is the curiously
neat thing about Schmalfeldt explanation that he was just joking. It not only backs him off his threat to sue
me, but it is a defense to my claim that he had violated the peace order. Clearly he didn’t direct that communication
to Mr. Hoge in a mechanical way. He didn’t
include “@wjjhoge” in his tweet which would have prompted twitter to deliver it
into timeline. He didn’t email him or
text message him. But I argued that
because he was giving notice to Hoge he was evidencing an expectation that it
would be delivered to Hoge. As I said,
what is the point of notice, if you don’t believe the other person will receive
But that only works if his intent
was serious. I believe he was. I believe Mr. Hoge agrees with me that he was. His claim now that he was just joking was a
post-hock rationalization. But if we
play make believe and pretend he was just joking, and he thought somehow we
would know it was a joke (um, why would we?), then that intention I just
mentioned is negated.
And to me I think that is the
kind of thing a lawyer is far more likely to think of and not a lay person. I could more easily picture Mr. Kim coming up
with this strategy of even an experienced non-lawyer like Mr. Kimberlin.
So in my professional opinion, it
seems to be extremely likely that Tae Kim saw the email, maybe even looked up
my post and gave his client a tongue lashing
over the phone and then suggested how to “fix” it, or at least try to control
the danger. The timing for that works
pretty well when you consider it might have been difficult to get Mr.
Schmalfeldt to acquiesce.

Mr. Kim (pictured) probably is an
okay guy. Someday when and if this is
all over, he and I could probably hang out and be friends. He is one of those lawyers who must exist to
keep the system fair, to defend people who on balance probably should
lose. He has a monumentally dumb client
who constantly makes unforced errors.
More than likely there are times when Kim wants to beat his head on a
desk at some of the things that Schmalfeldt has done. On the other hand, Schmalfeldt’s stupidity has
probably earned him around $20,000 so far.
And maybe a few hundred dollars more tonight. He probably gets extremely frustrated, but of
everyone on Team Kimberlin, he is the only clear winner.
My wife and I have lost our jobs
due to the harassment of convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin, including an
attempt to get us killed and to frame me for a crime carrying a sentence of up
to ten years. I know that claim sounds fantastic,
but if you read starting here, you will see absolute proof of these
claims using documentary and video evidence.
If you would like to help in the fight to hold Mr. Kimberlin
accountable, please hit the Blogger’s Defense Team button on the right. And thank you.
Follow me at Twitter @aaronworthing,
mostly for snark and site updates. And
you can purchase my book (or borrow it for free if you have Amazon Prime), Archangel: A Novel of Alternate, Recent
History here.
And you can read a little more about my novel, here.
I have accused some people,
particularly Brett Kimberlin, of
reprehensible conduct. In some cases, the conduct is even
criminal. In all cases, the only justice I want is through the
appropriate legal process—such as the criminal justice system. I do not want to see vigilante violence
against any person or any threat of such violence. This kind of conduct is not only morally
wrong, but it is counter-productive.
In the particular case of Brett
Kimberlin, I do not want you to even contact him. Do not call him. Do not write him a letter. Do not write him an email. Do not text-message him. Do not engage in any kind of directed
communication. I say this in part
because under Maryland law, that can quickly become harassment and I don’t want
that to happen to him.
And for that matter, don’t go on
his property. Don’t sneak around and try
to photograph him. Frankly try not to
even be within his field of vision. Your
behavior could quickly cross the line into harassment in that way too (not to
mention trespass and other concerns).
And do not contact his
organizations, either. And most of all, leave his family alone.
The only exception to all that is
that if you are reporting on this, there is of course nothing wrong with
contacting him for things like his official response to any stories you might
report. And even then if he tells you to
stop contacting him, obey that request. That
this is a key element in making out a harassment claim under Maryland law—that
a person asks you to stop and you refuse.
Unless his goal is to get himself picked up for a 72 hour hold, Cabin Boy's behavior really makes no sense at all.