This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®. If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not
everyone reads my blog. The short
version is that Kimberlin has been harassing me for over a year, his worst
conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime. I recognize that this might sound like an
incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in
other words, you don’t have to believe my word.
You only have to believe your eyes.
So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.
So this is part of an ongoing
series where I have been pointing out all the lies and half-truths in Brett
Kimberlin’s amended complaint for RICO and other violations against myself and
pretty much half the internet (previously here,
and here). I say this is him accusing himself of
obstruction of justice because 1) he has claimed that lying to the FBI is
obstruction of justice under various statutes and 2) his self-described
“friend” Bill Schmalfeldt has said that he handed over the complaint or
substantially similar information to the FBI in the hopes of starting a RICO
investigation... against Simon and Schuster (in part)... claiming they are in
some kind of mafia...
You know, sometimes all you have
to do is repeat an accusation to discredit it.
So we reach the lie of the day. Today’s lie is contained on page seven, in
paragraph thirty six when Kimberlin writes:
On or about August
17, 2011, Seth Allen sent an email to Andrew Breitbart, and Defendants Walker,
Frey and Nagy telling them that he was planning to come to Maryland and “murder”
Plaintiff. Defendant Fey, an Assistant
District Attorney, did not contact Plaintiff or law enforcement officials to
report the murder threat. Defendant Nagy
did contact the authorities.
Or at least that is one thing he
says about it. Here’s what he says about
it later in the same complaint on page thirteen, paragraph fifty six, after his
false allegation that I filed pleadings for
Seth Allen (covered in the first
part of this series):
He [Walker] did this
after Seth Allen sent him an email saying he might come to Maryland to murder Plaintiff.
So you see what happened there? First Seth Allen was supposedly definitely
planning to come to Maryland and murder Kimberlin. Then suddenly it was he might do it!
Well, in fact, I have published
that email before, here,
but I won’t force you to follow the link, I’ll simply quote it to you, so you
can read it for yourself:
Re: Making progress
- urgent request
Truth Seeker [email
Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at
7:24 AM
To: Aaron Worthing
Cc: Liberty Chick [email
omitted], Andrew Breitbart [email omitted], [Patterico]
Hi Aaron, thanks for
the response. I think the default judgement is just for the preliminary
injunction of deleting my blog. I am going to file motions myself. I will try
to make it down to the next court session. But this is bogus. I need to know
who this sherriff is. The record is in that courthouse, not at the website you
mention. Brett Kimberlin is lying. That sounds like perjury and I want his
parole officers to find out if he has yet again perjured himself. And all this
time Breitbart just stands on the sidelines as if I don't even exist. I'll get
this done myself if possible. I need to know that sherriff's name. I'm no
lawyer, but you can't make claims in court that are lies. That means Kimberlin
should go back to jail if that's true. Whatever, maybe I should murder him.
Maybe that will finally get me some justice. This life sucks anyway. All anyone
cares about is themselves and their own money. Freedom of speech is dead in
America. Thanks for nothing Breitbart.
This was written by a man who had
felt the system and Brett Kimberlin had done him wrong for over a year. He was only half right. Kimberlin had done him wrong, but his
problems with the system were of his own making: he failed to defend
himself. So he was frustrated and given
what I have been through, I understand.
And so he said something ill-advised in frustration.
Is it a plan to murder? Kimberlin’s own weaseling on that to “might”
tells us that he knows the term was inappropriate.
Is it a threat? No. A
threat is a specific promise to do a thing.
It might be conditional on something else, as in “give me your wallet or
I will stab you.” Or it just might be, “I’m
going to kill you.” Or it can be
conveyed in other ways, such as “that’s a nice house you have there, it’d be a
shame if something happened to it.” But
bluntly in law not every expression of violence is a threat. How many parents have said, for instance, of
their child, “I’m going to kill you?
Every parent of a teenage child who has never said that raise your
hand. Now, those of you who raised your
hands, put them down because you are liars.
But as a matter of law, most of you have not committed the crime of
threat (in jurisdictions that criminalize threats), even when you say it to the
child’s face, because you don’t mean it: one of the elements has to be that you
mean it in earnest. And the vast
majority of those of you who have said it to your kids were just venting, just
like I think Seth Allen was. Another element
of the crime is you have to reasonably anticipate that it will be communicated
to the person. Seth didn’t send this to
Brett, and he didn’t publish it on the web.
He said it in private conversation.
He was probably deeply surprised when Mandy reported it to authorities.
No, the proper way to phrase this
is that this is a rumination of murder at most, not a threat. I never thought Seth Allen was serious and
time has bore me out. He never did a
single threatening thing. Seth is weird,
and he has trouble recognizing who his true friends are, but physically
speaking he is harmless because I believe he isn’t built to harm others,
Which doesn’t mean Brett had no
cause for concern. It doesn’t surprise
me the judge gave him a peace order even if Seth’s conduct didn’t quite legally
justify it. The judge probably said, “let’s
keep Seth away from Brett just to be safe,” which is a forgivable deviation
from the strict letter of the law. It
also doesn’t surprise me that the State’s Attorney dropped the criminal charges
he filed against him: one statement out of turn doesn’t make for stalking or harassment. It has to be a course of conduct, which is
not clearly defined but it means more than one utterance. But ever since Brett has ramped it up,
ignoring what the bare text of what Seth wrote really said.
He also can’t seem to make up his
mind about what Patrick Frey’s exact position is in Los Angeles’ government.
Spoiler alert: he is a
Deputy District Attorney of Los Angeles in the hardcore gang unit.
But Brett calls him an “Assistant
District Attorney” in the passage quoted above, and repeats it on page 6,
paragraph 32; page 24, paragraphs 88-89; page 41, paragraph 156. Meanwhile on page 5, paragraph 24, he declares
that Patrick is “an Assistant State’s
Attorney for Los Angeles” (emphasis added), apparently confusing California
with Maryland where they call what you would normally call a District Attorney,
a “State’s Attorney.” (Here in Virginia
we call them “Commonwealth Attorneys,” I guess because Virginians love to emphasize
this is a commonwealth). And then things
get really weird. On page 25, in
paragraph 90, he slips and correctly calls Patrick a “Deputy District Attorney.” Then in the next paragraph he purports to
quote me as calling him an “Assistant District Attorney” in a motion to quash
which I also posted on the internet. Go
ahead, read it here. Do a “[Control]-F” search for the word “assistant.” It doesn’t appear. I correctly called Patrick a Deputy District
Attorney and Brett misquoted me as saying it wrong! Then in the next paragraph (92), he called
him an “Assistant District Attorney” again.
And then it gets weirder. On page 22, paragraph 82 he calls him “Assistant
District Attorney” again and then quotes from various third party sources
describing his job. He quotes the LA
Weekly, Fox News, and this blog, all getting it correct. The Washington Times did manage to call him
an Assistant District Attorney, but that’s the only legitimate news source to
get it wrong. Then in the next
paragraph, (that is page 23, paragraph 84) Kimberlin calls him “Assistant District
Attorney.” And then in the very next
paragraph he decides he’s a Deputy District Attorney again.
And for all I know he may have
gotten it wrong even more times than that.
It is a very long complaint.
In addition to that, you can spot
another error when he talks about the date of this email. He says it was “[o]n or about August 17, 2011[.]” It was in fact sent August 23. Is almost a week later “on or about” a
certain date?
I guess I won’t call them lies,
so much as inaccuracies. And it is a
sign of a deeply disorganized mind, that he couldn’t pick one term for Patrick’s
job and stick with it, and that he couldn’t remember or be bothered to look up
when Seth Allen wrote that email. It is
one of many reasons why I see sign of mental deterioration in this complaint. He is mentally all over the place.
Finally while it is not literally
a lie, he omitted one inconvenient fact from his story: that Mandy told Patrick
and I that she was going to report Seth to the authorities beforehand. He made a similarly dishonest comment in his
motion to compel that I was responding to in my motion to quash. As I wrote:
What he leaves out
of that statement is that several other persons were cc’ed on the same email
and that one of them, Mandy Nagy, upon information and belief, did report about
this email to the police although those efforts were hampered by the rare
earthquake that struck the D.C. metro area on that day. She informed Mr. [Walker] and Mr. Frey ahead
of time that she would make such a report, and informed Mr. [Walker] afterward
that she had done so—all within hours of Mr. Allen making this remark. It is elementary that whenever a duty to
report misconduct arises—and that is assuming one arose in those circumstances—that
duty is satisfied when one knows that another person has reported it.
And if he missed it then, he
couldn’t have missed it when I told him again, in open court and called him on
the same kind of deception. First Brett
said this:
On August 23rd, Mr.
Walker, with his pseudonym, Aaron Worthing, was in e-mail contact with Seth
Allen. Mr. Allen wrote, and this is what caused Mr. Allen to get a peace order
against him. He says, “Maybe I should just murder Mr. Kimberlin.” And he sent
that e-mail to Mr. Worthing. Mr. Worthing did not contact the police as a good
standing citizen to tell the police that.
And then my response:
What he doesn’t
mention is that Mandy Nagy did report it that day, okay, and she told me she
was going to report it. So he’s angry at
me for not duplicating her effort. And he’s just represented to the Court that
I -- he’s just led this Court to believe that I let this man say this and let
him get away with it. I did not. I knew someone else was going to report it and
frankly, Your Honor, that was the day of the earthquake and that was the -- you
know, remember, the big earthquake we had way back a few months? And it was
also -- and I had, and I was ill that day and I had to go to the doctor and it
was a busy time for me and when Mandy says I’m going to report it, I said, good,
that solves the problem for me.
So, two times he was corrected on
this. And he repeats this for a third
time, in this complaint. Indeed he didn’t
even fix it when he was amending his complaint.
Again, it’s not literally a lie, but it gives people such a misleading
impression that it is morally indistinguishable from one.
So let’s review, including the
lies from the previous posts, with the new lies being underlined:
Lie #1: claiming I filed anything for Seth Allen or helped Mr. Allen to file anything himself.
Lie #2: claiming that I filed anything “attacking” (including
criticizing) any of the judges in Kimberlin
v. Allen.
Lie #3: claiming none of the Defendants have ever contacted him for
comment about the SWATting story.
Lie #4: claiming I have intimidated anyone, ever (and necessarily
that anyone “conspired” with me to intimidate anyone).
Lie #5: claiming that Judge Jordan rejected our allegedly false
Lie #6: claiming I have defended Seth Allen’s “attacks” on Judge
Jordan (which as best as I can tell were just criticisms, albeit intemperate,
ineffective and ill-advised ones).
Lie #7: claiming that my blog, Everyone Draw Mohammed was dedicated
to “attacking, smearing, mocking and insulting” Islam or Mohammed. (And really that is kind of a two-fer, isn’t
Lie #8: claiming that my blog solicited “vile, pornographic and
insulting depictions of Mohammed.”
Lie #9: claiming that my blog published over 800 insulting
depictions of Mohammed. Looking back, I
would say about 60% were insulting to Mohammed or Islam, given that I promised
I would not censor my submissions as long as they adhered to two rules 1) they
must depict mohammed in some clear way (including drawing an arrow to a thing
and calling it Mohammed) and 2) no porn.
Lie #10: claiming that Lee Stranahan works for
Lie #11: claiming that Robert Stacy McCain lives anywhere in
Lie #12: sending a false copy of the Amended Complaint.
Lie #13: claiming that I assaulted Brett Kimberlin.
Lie #14: claiming that anyone conspired with me to assault him.
Lie #15: claiming that I assaulted him for any other reason than
his provocation in unlawfully using his iPad.
Lie #16: claiming that I communicated with Ali Akbar prior to May,
Lie #17: claiming the National Bloggers Club launched in February,
Lie #18: claiming the National Bloggers Club is a Republican
Lie #19: claiming that Seth Allen planned to murder him.
Lie #20: claiming that Seth Allen threatened to murder
Mendacity #1: when he gives
the impression that I intervened in Kimberlin
v. Allen out of the blue and motions on my own initiative when in fact each
and every one of them were filed in response to some action Brett took directed
at me. I have no standing to intervene,
Mendacity #2: when he fails
to note that he instructed many of the defendants not to harass him, which
includes unwanted contact making it more difficult to contact him for a
response to the SWATting story.
Mendacity #3: when he
pretends his denials have any value whatsoever.
If his denials are meaningless then why is it even relevant whether we
contacted him to obtain it?
Mendacity #4: when he pretends that I did anything improper by
filing motions in Maryland anonymously, when I was given specific permission by
the court to do exactly that.
Mendacity #5: when he pretends that Malkin and McCain are just
Mendacity #6: suggesting that any alleged injury occurred from
contact with me (he might have really been injured, but I didn’t injure him.)
Mendacity #7: stating that Patrick Frey didn’t report
Seth Allen’s comments about murder, without mentioning that Patrick knew Mandy
Nagy would report it.
So that is now twenty lies and seven
merely misleading statements in less than eleven paragraphs and the big lie of sending a false
copy of the complaint. Be sure to tune
in tomorrow for part eleven.
But before I go, all of this leads
me to a funny observation. Bill
Schmalfeldt wrote this tonight:
God struck Andrew Breitbart dead for lying. Who's next?
— WMS RADIO (@WMSRadio1943) October 30, 2013
Which raises the question: if lying
causes God to kill you, how is Brett Kimberlin walking around in one
piece? Hell, how did he manage to dodge
all them lightning bolts on the way to file this piece of crap, twice?
And for that matter, how does
Schmalfeldt dodge the bolts from heaven given that he isn’t exactly the most
sprite man on the planet and while few men are as dishonest as Brett, Schmalfeldt
No, the fact Brett Kimberlin is
still walking around is objective proof that God doesn’t kill liars. Indeed I long posited that the Holocaust and
American slavery was proof that this world sometimes good people are made to suffer and
even die when they didn’t deserve it. The
idea that every person who suffers and dies deserves it is simply vile. Ann Frank didn’t deserve to die so
young. And this kid didn’t deserve cancer:

(By the way, here’s a link to St.Jude in case I just moved you to donate, even if I am risking putting them in
the crosshairs of Kimberlin’s RICO suit for doing this)
The very idea that people suffer purely because they deserve it is downright offensive.
And besides, I have never heard
Andrew tell a lie, God rest his soul.
But then again, Schmalfeldt has trouble
with maintaining perspective when it comes to Andrew Breitbart. On his blog talk radio site (no linky for Señor Neckroll!TM), he
writes a post called “Andrew Breitbart is STILL in Hell” and declares this in
the first line:
If you believe in a
God who punishes his children with eternal damnation and torture, can you think
of anyone who deserves it more than Andrew Breitbart?
Can I? Gee off the top of my head...
This guy:
This guy:

This guy, who was
a racist murderer despite having a cool photo:

This guy:

Nathan Bedford Forrest, founder
of the KKK:

This guy:

David Koresh (child rapist, among other things):

Charles Manson:

This guy:

And for that matter, Brett

I mean after all, Andrew never
caused a man’s death or committed an act of terrorism and he has never been publicly accused by his wife of having sex with her when she was only fourteen. So there is that, you know?
My wife and I have lost our jobs due to the
harassment of convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin, including an attempt to get
us killed and to frame me for a crime carrying a sentence of up to ten
years. I know that claim sounds fantastic, but if you read starting here,
you will see absolute proof of these claims using documentary and video
evidence. If you would like to help in the fight to hold Mr. Kimberlin
accountable, please hit the donation link on the right. And thank you.
Follow me at Twitter @aaronworthing, mostly for
snark and site updates. And you can purchase my book (or borrow it for
free if you have Amazon Prime), Archangel: A Novel of Alternate, Recent
History here.
And you can read a little more about my novel, here.
I have accused some people,
particularly Brett Kimberlin, of
reprehensible conduct. In some cases, the conduct is even
criminal. In all cases, the only justice I want is through the
appropriate legal process—such as the criminal justice system. I do not want to see vigilante violence
against any person or any threat of such violence. This kind of conduct is not only morally
wrong, but it is counter-productive.
In the particular case of Brett
Kimberlin, I do not want you to even contact him. Do not call him. Do not write him a letter. Do not write him an email. Do not text-message him. Do not engage in any kind of directed
communication. I say this in part
because under Maryland law, that can quickly become harassment and I don’t want
that to happen to him.
And for that matter, don’t go on
his property. Don’t sneak around and try
to photograph him. Frankly try not to
even be within his field of vision. Your
behavior could quickly cross the line into harassment in that way too (not to
mention trespass and other concerns).
And do not contact his
organizations, either. And most of all, leave his family alone.
The only exception to all that is
that if you are reporting on this, there is of course nothing wrong with
contacting him for things like his official response to any stories you might
report. And even then if he tells you to
stop contacting him, obey that request. That
this is a key element in making out a harassment claim under Maryland law—that
a person asks you to stop and you refuse.
And let me say something
else. In my heart of hearts, I don’t
believe that any person supporting me has done any of the above. But if any of you have, stop it, and if you
haven’t don’t start.
First, has a judge taken a good hard look at the complaint yet? Second, has he managed to stop laughing himself silly yet?
ReplyDeleteOh, and here in Kentucky, they're Commonwealth's Attorneys too -- probably for the same reason that Virginia uses.
Hm, maybe you need a third list of stuff He's contradicted within the complaint?