Well, that... and my tribute to the badassery of
Samuel L. Jackson.
So today (okay, technically yesterday), was Star Wars
day. Why because it was May 4th,
as in “May the Forth Be With You” which prompted this commentary from me:
Which led to this nonsense from Ms. Prado:
(Ms. Prado is actually the ex-wife of demented adjudicated
harasser Bill Schmalfeldt who has proven to be a perfectly lovely person whose
major personality flaw is a love of puns—not that I can really criticize anyone
for that.)
But what prompted me to this tribute is learning about
this little bit of badassery. As you
know, Samuel L. Jackson was one of the coolest things in the prequel
trilogy. Like Liam Neeson, his
likeability was mainly carried over from other movies; his character was
awesome mainly because he was awesome. The
man had a purple lightsaber. A purple lightsaber. And then in this interview you learn what he
wrote on his (with some language warning) below the break: