Must not get excited... Must not get excited...…
— Aaron Worthing (@AaronWorthing) October 30, 2012
The joke is that I half-believe in Murphy’s Law and
jinxes. I carry an umbrella often to prevent it from raining (sadly it didn’t
do anything about this hurricane). It’s
superstitious, but it’s just a harmless quirk I have. And that tweet is ultimately riffing off the
fact that I will stand up and cheer if Romney wins next Tuesday in the privacy
of my own home, but I am afraid to get too excited because then it makes me
that much more likely to be let down.
But I knew I was likely to jump up and down cheering if Romney won...
...until I came across a cartoon at Instapundit, and the price of
that victory suddenly struck me. Let me
show you that cartoon:

Yeah, it’s not funny, but it is effective. It is not humor but rage I feel looking at
that image. And it crystalized a thought
that had been rattling around my head all day.
This Benghazi thing, is likely to cost Obama the election. It is a daily drip-drip-drip of bad news that
is fatally undermining this administration.
Let me quote to you from a piece I read today, in the Wall Street Journal,
entitled Suddenly, A Credibility Gap: