Sure, many of you
"law enforcement experts and specialist[s]" will state, "in all
my years this is the worst........", Stop!!! That's not important. Ask
yourselves what would cause somebody to take these drastic measures like I did.
That's what is important.
In doing so, Dorner was tapping
into the left’s belief that terrorism was motivated by injustice. He was hoping that the left would tend to sympathize with his motives. Thus the
behavior of the left in the past was part of the motivation for his alleged murders now. As I wrote:
Conservatives like
myself have argued in the past that the tendency on the left to automatically
sympathize with terrorists, to assume that they are motivated by some kind of
injustice created a bad incentive. We on
the right have repeatedly pointed out that the leftward tendency to try to get
at the “root causes” of terrorism encouraged people to engage in terrorism in
order to publicize their grievances. But ordinarily, I admit, this is only
In this case, on the other hand,
it was not just a theory. He pretty much
admitted it was the case. All of which
makes this
story in today’s LA Times even more dismaying:
LAPD will reopen investigation into 2009
firing of Dorner
As the massive search for the fugitive ex-cop continues, Chief Charlie
Beck announces he is reopening the probe into his dismissal, the event that
apparently set off his campaign of revenge.
As the massive
search for a fugitive ex-cop suspected of three slayings continued Saturday,
Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck announced that he was reopening the
investigation into the firing of Christopher Jordan Dorner from the police department,
the event that apparently sparked his vengeful campaign.
Beck said he was
reopening the investigation "not to appease a murderer" but to assure
the public that his department is fair and transparent. He said he wanted to
protect an "increasingly positive relationship with the community"
that the LAPD has developed over the last few years.
"I am aware of
the ghosts of the LAPD's past and one of my biggest concerns is that they will
be resurrected by Dorner's allegations of racism within the department,"
Beck said in a prepared statement. "...Therefore, I feel we need to also
publicly address Dorner's allegations regarding his termination of
Ah yes, give the terrorist what
he wants. That will discourage the next

In other news, we get this LA
Times piece on the prior complaints regarding his conduct and his complaints
against others:
The fugitive
ex-policeman Christopher Dorner, suspected of killing three people and injuring
two, had a history of making complaints against fellow officers within the Los
Angeles Police Department, and one officer said he had a reputation as a
"hot head," according to internal affairs records.
Dorner was accused
of punching a recruit in the chest while he was in the Police Academy in 2006.
That recruit, Abraham Schefres, was wearing a bulletproof vest and a trauma
plate, when Dorner allegedly punched him. After being hit, he glared at Dorner,
whom Schefres said responded as though he had made a mistake, records show.
Schefres said he believed that Dorner had not been trying to hurt him but that
the punch was "more of a 'hello'" and to appear tough.
Schefres told an
investigator that he "believed this was part of Dorner’s persona,"
records show. Schefres described Dorner as "a hot head" who would
walk up to fellow recruits and "get in their faces in an aggressive"
but joking way.
Schefres is the officer known as “A.S.”
in my redacted copy of the manifesto.
This is what Dorner wrote about that:
During the BOR, the
department attempted to label me unsuccessfully as a bully. They stated that I
had bullied a recruit, [A.S.], in the academy when in reality and unfounded
disposition from the official 1.28 formal complaint investigation found that I
was the one who stood up for [A.S.] when other recruits sang nazi hitler youth
songs about burning Jewish ghettos in WWII Germany where his father was a
survivor of a concentration camp. How fucking dare you attempt to label me with
such a nasty vile word. I ask that all earnest journalist investigating this
story ask Ofcr. [A.S.] about the incident when Ofcr. Burdios began singing a
nazi youth song about burning jewish ghettos.
As I said in response to that
part at the time “saying he stood up for the guy in that incident—assuming it
really happened—doesn’t prove he never bullied the guy himself.” Now of course if Schefres isn’t upset, I guess
we probably shouldn’t be, either, but there was a bit more to this than Dorner
said. A lie, then, by omission. And we get this detail:
In 2006, Schefres
was interviewed about the punching incident during an investigation into
allegations that Dorner slapped the hand of another recruit officer, internal
affairs records show. Dorner had accused that second recruit--as well as
another recruit -- of using a racial slur while they were traveling in a police
vehicle during their time in the academy.
The department
confirmed Dorner’s slur allegation against one of the recruits but not the
other, the records said. The agency concluded that Dorner's punch of Schefres
did not rise to the level of misconduct.
What is interesting is that “slapping”
incident in the first paragraph seems to be referring to this incident in the
manifesto, with apologies for the language:
While traveling
back to the station in a 12 passenger van I heard [M.M.] refer to another
individual as a nigger. I wasn't sure if I heard correctly as there were many
conversations in the van that was compiled of at least 8 officers and he was
sitting in the very rear and me in the very front. Even with the multiple
conversations and ambient noise I heard Officer [M.M.] call an indivdual a
nigger again. Now that I had confirmed it, I told [M.] not to use that word
again. I explained that it was a well known offensive word that should not be
used by anyone. He replied, "I'll say it when I want". Officer
[H.B.], a friend of his, also stated that he would say nigger when he wanted.
At that point I jumped over my front passenger seat and two other officers
where I placed my hands around [H.B.’s]
neck and squeezed. I stated to [H.B.], "Don't fucking say
that". At that point there was pushing and shoving and we were separated
by several other officers.
The thing I am not getting is
this. The allegation was that he “slapped”
the other recruit, but in his own telling he basically tried to strangle the
man. So did Dorner embellish this story,
to make his reaction seem even more violent?
Because plainly Dorner did think it was perfectly okay to assault a
person if they said the n-word.
Finally it should be noted that
they are reporting this line:
Monica Quan, a Cal
State Fullerton assistant basketball coach, and her fiance, Keith Lawrence,
were found dead Sunday in Irvine. Irvine police on Wednesday named Dorner as
the suspect.
Previously, I had read that
Lawrence was actually married to Quan and thus the son-in-law of Randal Quan,
who committed the "horrible" crime of representing Dorner. I can’t account for the discrepancy, but it
ultimately doesn’t matter. Whether he
was her fiancé or her husband, he was equally innocent and Dorner's alleged murder of him equally unjustified.
Anyway, it is an interesting
piece, so
I suggest you read the whole thing.
My wife and I have lost our jobs
due to the harassment of convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin, including an
attempt to get us killed and to frame me for a crime carrying a sentence of up
to ten years. I know that claim sounds
fantastic, but if you read starting here, you will see absolute proof of these
claims using documentary and video evidence.
If you would like to help in the fight to hold Mr. Kimberlin
accountable, please hit the Blogger’s Defense Team button on the right. And thank you.
Follow me at Twitter @aaronworthing,
mostly for snark and site updates. And
you can purchase my book (or borrow it for free if you have Amazon Prime), Archangel: A Novel of Alternate, Recent
History here.
And you can read a little more about my novel, here.
I have accused some people,
particularly Brett Kimberlin, of
reprehensible conduct. In some cases, the conduct is even
criminal. In all cases, the only justice I want is through the
appropriate legal process—such as the criminal justice system. I do not want to see vigilante violence
against any person or any threat of such violence. This kind of conduct is not only morally
wrong, but it is counter-productive.
In the particular case of Brett
Kimberlin, I do not want you to even contact him. Do not call him. Do not write him a letter. Do not write him an email. Do not text-message him. Do not engage in any kind of directed
communication. I say this in part
because under Maryland law, that can quickly become harassment and I don’t want
that to happen to him.
And for that matter, don’t go on
his property. Don’t sneak around and try
to photograph him. Frankly try not to
even be within his field of vision. Your
behavior could quickly cross the line into harassment in that way too (not to
mention trespass and other concerns).
And do not contact his
organizations, either. And most of all, leave his family alone.
The only exception to all that is
that if you are reporting on this, there is of course nothing wrong with
contacting him for things like his official response to any stories you might
report. And even then if he tells you to
stop contacting him, obey that request. That
this is a key element in making out a harassment claim under Maryland law—that
a person asks you to stop and you refuse.
And let me say something
else. In my heart of hearts, I don’t
believe that any person supporting me has done any of the above. But if any of you have, stop it, and if you
haven’t don’t start.
this is the stupidest article i have ever read....congratulations hill billy keep fighting the terrorists and not offering any kind of solution other than blame for the left or whoever.violence spurs more violence but if you know anything about the lapd you know their a corrupt lot of bastards.