Law, life and the local spectator sport called politics.
The Brett Kimberlin Saga:
Follow this link to my BLOCKBUSTER STORY of how Brett Kimberlin, a convicted terrorist and perjurer, attempted to frame me for a crime, and then got me arrested for blogging when I exposed that misconduct to the world. That sounds like an incredible claim, but I provide primary documents and video evidence proving that he did this. And if you are moved by this story to provide a little help to myself and other victims of Mr. Kimberlin’s intimidation, such as Robert Stacy McCain, you can donate at the PayPal buttons on the right. And I thank everyone who has done so, and will do so.
First as usual if you have not been following the Brett Kimberlin saga, start here. But this post is for those of you who have been following along and want to learn more. So it might be confusing to newcomers--hence why I recommend that newcomers follow that link.
Just the other day I told you about some of the nutty disinformation coming from former reporter Ron Brynaert. Mr. Brynaert used to be editor of Raw Story but has no visible means of income and will not answer any questions about it, leading me to suspect (but I can’t prove) that he is Brett Kimberlin’s paid agent provocateur.
Certainly Mr. Brynaert hasn’t been acting as a reporter with even the slightest interest in finding the truth in this matter. Instead not only has Brynaert repeatedly defamed me, but he has done so with “malice” as defined in the law. “Malice” is one of those concepts in law that I call a “booby trap legal term.” By this I mean that it is one of those terms that lay people might think they know, but in reality it has a technical legal meaning that can catch people unawares. I mean if I started talking about “res ipsa loquitur,” “scienter” or “collateral estoppel” most regular people would realize that they are seeing words foreign to their existence and proceed cautiously. A wise person would track down a law dictionary and look it up. But malice? Everyone thinks they know what “malice” is.
But in fact in the law of defamation the word “malice” takes on a meaning only tangentially related to its meaning in plain English. Hence why I call it a “booby trap legal term” because a lay person would read it and have no fair warning that it was in fact a term of art. So let me explain what it means. Specifically in the context of defamation it means making a statement “with knowledge that it was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.” New York Times v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 280 (1964). And Ron Brynaert has certainly shown “reckless disregard.” And further he has also lied about having done so.
For instance, shortly after the January 9 incident and as Brett Kimberlin began to frame me for a crime in its aftermath, Ron Brynaert tweeted out to the world that I had been arrested. I glossed this over in my blockbuster post proving how Brett Kimberlin attempted to frame me, but in fact they never arrested me. Then later he corrects himself as follows on January 18:
I wrongly tweeted @AaronWorthing was "arrested" (which hoaxer @NealRauhauser lied about); It was a summons for 2nd Degree criminal assault
Mr. Brynaert had regularly denounced Neal Rauhauser as a “hoaxer” (anonymized link) well before this day and yet here he was admitting that he believed the word of a person he called a “hoaxer.” Isn’t that the very definition of “reckless disregard” for the truth? Reporting the claims of a person you know to be untrustworthy as a fact?
Update: And via the Blaze, he is a Cnn contributor? Well, if there is any way to keep something out of the news, it is to target one of their friends. Genius! If this was Brett Kimberlin, I don't want to hear anyone claim he is brilliant again.
Update (II): Erick Erickson shares his account. Because he warned the police ahead of time that this could happen it wasn't quite the dangerous situation that Patterico faced. But the intent to intimidate was there.
Update (III): True story, when Kimberlin first obtained my identity, I went to the local police and made sure they knew about this situation and the very real possibility that I might be swatted. Then as I came back home, I looked at the front yard, where because of sewer pipe problems I had to dig up half the front yard. I have mentioned before that I find humor in horror, and this was one of those times. I looked at it and thought to myself, "if someone calls the police and tells them that I killed my wife, they are going to think she's buried in the front yard!"
It isn't a laughing matter, but as I told you before, I can laugh at things that are unfunny. We now resume our original post.
What we are watching is the attempt to suppress speech occurring in real time. Of course we don’t know it is Brett Kimberlin or his allies; for all we know it could end up being a hoax. But there is a growing pattern. Patrick Frey has the story.
Let me say something else to the liberals out there. I have studiously avoided making this a liberal v. conservative thing. I still believe that the vast majority of liberals and conservatives do not believe that this is the way to carry out our discourses—with criminal actions taken to intimidate the opposition into silence. This is why it is important for liberals just as conservatives to stand up and demand justice. Framing a person for a crime should not be a political tactic. Intentionally putting a person’s life in danger should not be a political tactic. Filing bogus restraining orders (or peace orders) to keep you from talking about someone should not be a political tactic.
And I believe liberals will come around and denounce these tactics en masse and call for the prosecution of those responsible—if only out of self-interest. What people posing as liberal activists do today to Patrick, Stacy, Erik and myself, can be done tomorrow to a liberal. Indeed if conservatives see this as something that is 1) effective and 2) unpunished, some immoral conservative is likely to resort to the same tactics. If the Krazy Kimberlin’s Krew is not stopped, then Markos Moulitsas or Charles Johnson could find himself on the receiving end of this kind of harassment.
But more important than that, is the simple realization that this shouldn't happen to anyone, period. And I do think that both sides believe this, equally. Call me naive, but it is what I believe.
First off, if you haven’t been following the Kimberlin Saga® let me suggest you start here.
But this post is written for those of you who are following along. As I have told you before, Brett Kimberlin is a convicted terrorist known as the Speedway Bomber. I have quoted this passage from Kimberlin v. White, 7 F. 3d 527 (6th Cir. 1993) before, but it is particularly important to pay attention to the details this time:
Kimberlin was convicted as the so-called "Speedway Bomber," who terrorized the city of Speedway, Indiana, by detonating a series of explosives in early September 1978. In the worst incident, Kimberlin placed one of his bombs in a gym bag, and left it in a parking lot outside Speedway High School. Carl DeLong was leaving the high school football game with his wife when he attempted to pick up the bag and it exploded. The blast tore off his lower right leg and two fingers, and embedded bomb fragments in his wife's leg. He was hospitalized for six weeks, during which he was forced to undergo nine operations to complete the amputation of his leg, reattach two fingers, repair damage to his inner ear, and remove bomb fragments from his stomach, chest, and arm. In February 1983, he committed suicide.
So one thing I have known about but haven’t mentioned yet, was his work with the band Op-critical. Stephen Gutowski over at MRCTV has a pretty good backgrounder on this band:
It appears that sometime around 2006, several years after Kimberlin was released from prison, he joined a band named Op-Critical. The band's music can best be described as liberal alternative rock and they claim some of it has been featured at ACLU and Amnesty International events. Their music mirrors that of other little known liberal bands who trashed Bush in the later part of his presidency and would be unremarkable if it weren't for the fact that one of the guys playing guitar and singing is a violent criminal.
Take, for instance, the Op-Critical song titled Fear. The song describes Americans being fearful and "thinking that the plastic bag maybe isn't innocent" and how that undue fear is being used by Bush to control them. The lyrics mocking the fear of terrorist attacks would, again, be unremarkable for a late 2000s liberal band if they weren't sung by a man convicted of setting off bombs in a small American town and the music video didn't feature that bomber lurking around the Cleveland Park DC Metro station complete with shots of an unattended bag.
But when I looked at the video I saw something that Gutowski didn’t. It wasn’t just a bag, but...
Do you see what I see? Not just an unattended bag, but an unattended gym bag. You know just like the one that maimed Carl DeLong. So this man who placed a bomb in a gym bag—and by the way, left it at a high school football game, where children could have been hurt—is telling us not to be scared of unattended gym bags. It is hard not to see that as a mockery of the crime he committed against Carl DeLong.
One of my favorite entries last Friday was by a friend of mine, Dustin (who has also been a victim of the Korrupt Kimberlin Krew’s harassment), who shared with us the suicide note of Carl DeLong. If you haven’t read it, it is a must-read and genuinely powerful, as a father says goodbye to his family.
First, if you are wondering why this blog is focusing on the Brett Kimberlin story, which has erupted in the last few weeks (triggered by coming out with my Blockbuster Post on how a man tried to frame me for a crime), I suggest you start here. Bluntly, if you had been through what I had been through, you would focus on him, too.
So yesterday we had an EverybodyBlog About Brett Kimberlin day and I was profoundly moved at how well things went. People keep thanking me, but they have it all wrong. I have to thank them. They have seen the what Brett Kimberlin and did to Patterico and I, yet hundreds of bloggers and thousands of twitterers and who knows how many Facebookers, etc. all participated, knowing it could happen to them. It’s not brave to run into a minefield unawares; it is brave to run into it knowing it is a minefield. And so the praise belongs to those people, not me.
And just this morning, we get to see more of Brett Kimberlin’s intimidation in real time. At the Justice Through Music website (anonymized link), you get this lovely entry (in its entirety):
Thanks For All of Your Support!
May 25, 2012 - We want to thank all of you for your tremendous support this week. Keep those donations flooding in so that those opposed to human rights and progressive values will see that their malicious attacks on youth, women, activists, Muslims, and the 99% will not be tolerated in our beloved democracy. Please note that we are working closely with both state and federal law enforcement officials and have given them lists of all those who make inappropriate statements or contacts. Again, thank you so much for all the donations. We feel like Planned Parenthood after the attack on them.
Remember folks, in Brett Kimberlin’s language, criticism is an “attack.” It’s always an attack. So when he says that “attacks on youth, women, activists, Muslims, and the 99% will not be tolerated” he means that criticism of those groups will not be tolerated. Even though in fact under the principle of Freedom of Expression, it must be tolerated, even if it is morally wrong (such as Hustler's denigration of S. E. Cupp--it's immoral but clearly legal under the First Amendment).
A few links to help you sort things out if you are coming here for the first time today.
First, start here where you get to read my blockbuster post describing how convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin tried to frame me for a crime. I know that sounds like hyperbole, but follow the links, read the post and you will realize it is not. I prove my case with primary documents and even video evidence. In other words, you don’t have to believe my word, just your eyes. I admit it is long, but I have a lot to tell you. And at the end, I will show you how you can help.
Then I would suggest you click over to Patrick Frey's (a.k.a. Patterico’s) equally astounding post discussing how this same crew that has been harassing harassed him and one of them tried to get him killed.
And if you want to help out with this situation, there are two ways to consider.
Second, if you are inclined to give financial help to myself and Robert Stacy McCain to give us relief from our hardships, go to the National Bloggers Club Relief Fund For Aaron Walker and Robert Stacy McCain, here.
And of course everyone who is helping and supporting me today... I give you my warmest thanks.
Update: It is beyond impossible to thank every single person who is linking, tweeting, facebooking, talking about Brett Kimberlin today. There's too many of you--which also means there are too many people to sue! So I just wanted to thank all of you as a group. This day has been awesome and its only halfway through.
Follow me at Twitter @aaronworthing, mostly for snark and site updates. And you can purchase my book (or borrow it for free if you have Amazon Prime), Archangel: A Novel of Alternate, Recent Historyhere. And you can read a little more about my novel, here.
Joking aside, one thing I left out of my story is how Patrick wrote a long letter to Maryland state authorities urging them to drop charges against me. I didn’t mention it, because Patrick asked me to hold it back, because it broke news that he wanted to break himself, his way. Which is a fair request since he did me that solid by writing it in the first place.
I am 90% sure that this means that Patrick has no problem with me publishing the letter. Here’s an excerpt from it:
Kimberlin filed a ridiculous complaint about me with the California State Bar, claiming among other things that he is “disabled” because he is a felon, and that by writing about his felonious history I was “discriminating” against the “disabled” in violation of California law.
And as soon as I get confirmation from Patrick, I will be putting up a full copy.
By the way, it is funny that they refer to disability discrimination, because there is some evidence that they are themselves practicing disability discrimination. There is some evidence that they singled me out because I have learning disabilities, falsely believing that this made me somehow uniquely incapable of psychologically withstanding their attacks, as though being dyslexic, etc. is like being bi-polar or something. It isn’t. It’s more like being paraplegic or blind—one part is broken, the rest is fine.
In fact an argument can be made that growing up with my disabilities and frankly facing a level of discrimination that people in my demographic don’t ordinarily face toughened me up. Let me give you a concrete example.
It never ends with these guys, does it? I have been telling you all week about the legal troubles caused by Brett Kimberlin in particular including how he attempted to frame me for a crime, but at the same time I have had Ron Brynaert nipping at my ankles. I have heard from several sources that Ron Brynaert was accusing me of essentially being an evil, evil man by extorting him. I had supposedly done this by sending an email to him offering a settlement of the lawsuit I filed against him.
Of course Ron didn't show any of these people the supposedly damning email. Instead Ron just told them it was extortion! And isn’t that typical for this crew? They never quote your words (except in snippets, taken grossly out of context), they just give you their spin and pretend it is your words.
You see, a few weeks back I saw him tweet that “I will gladly testify for @AaronWorthing if Kimberlin sues him over courthouse incident since Brett lied to me about it.” So I took that as an opportunity to try to get him to settle the case. And instead of just saying it wasn't extortionate and hoping you believe me, I will let you read what I wrote for yourself:
Now if you read over the letter, you see I am asking for two things in settlement of the suit. First, I asked for money. Second, I asked for his testimony against the other defendants.
And notably I don’t suggest that I will or won’t file criminal charges, peace orders, etc. against him based on whether he settles or not like what Brett Kimberlin did. No, the only thing I am threatening to do if he doesn’t settle my civil case is… to continue the case.
That is at Lee Stranahan’s blog, where he announces his idea to get everyone to blog about Brett Kimberlin, on Friday, May 25, 2012.
I can’t ask you to do this. It’s not because of this peace order against me—Judge Johnson has made it clear that the peace order statute cannot forbid protected speech. And this is protected speech. But as much as we use the “I am Spartacus” concept in this situation I am the guy who really is Spartacus. I'm Kirk Douglas, more or less. Watch this clip again:
If you watch closely, the real Spartacus was ready to identify himself. So he didn’t ask his fellow slaves to stand up beside him. They just did. So I’m not going to ask. Perhaps the truly courageous thing would be to say, “No, don’t do this.” But I won’t do that, either. I’ll just say... decide for yourselves.
And if you are new to this blog and wondering what the heck this is all about, you can start here at this post in which I show how Brett Kimberlin attempted to frame me for a crime. That’s where all of this started. And then go to Robert Stacy McCain’s blog and see what is happening to him.
Update: A few more thoughts. Obviously, the comparison is to Everyone Draw Mohammed Day (EDMD). As you know, EDMD arose from the failure of the institutions that normally were supposed to stand up for freedom of speech. First, our governments were supposed to intervene. As our Declaration of Independence tells us, we have an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And it says something else that is crucial but often overlooked: "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men." In other words government exists not for its own benefit, but for the purpose of securing our sacred rights, not the least of which is freedom of expression, and freedom of religion.
Update (II): At an ex parte (without the other side present) hearing, Mr. Kimberlin has gotten a temporary peace order against me. It only says the same three things: not to contact, abuse or enter residence. Which I haven't been doing, anyway. So he can win when he is not being contradicted by the evidence. But it will not remain in place.
Update:Patrick makes a point that I glossed over. You might reasonably ask “what is the harm in this peace order being issued?” Well the answer is that Kimberlin will waste no time running to court and claiming frivolously that I am in contempt of the Peace Order. In my BLOCKBUSTER post, I pointed out that after he put his original Peace Order on me, I asked the court to clarify that I could serve legal process on him, by the U.S. Mail without violating the Peace Order. The Court specifically told me that such conduct did not violate the Peace Order, but when I did what the Court specifically said I was allowed to do, and the law required me to do, Mr. Kimberlin moved to hold me in contempt of court.
We now resume our original post.
Well, we knew it would happen. At this blog for several days I have been on a campaign to obtain justice after convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin first tried to get me killed and then tried to frame me for a crime. I know that sounds like hyperbole, but if you read this post, I will show you concrete documentary and video evidence proving everything I just told you. In other words, you will not have to believe my word; you will only have to believe your eyes.
To give you a taste, here’s a video presentation I created:
So after I exposed Kimberlin’s criminal conduct, we have seen an outpouring of interest and support that a few little birds have told me is only going to get more intense as days go by. But we also knew that retaliation was coming. So the other day Kimberlin filed another peace order against me, and now Robert Stacy McCain has felt that something Kimberlin did (that McCain hasn’t defined) was worrisome enough to make him need to leave his home.
And today I got a copy of the Petition for a Peace Order he has filed. I will embed it in a few minutes, but bluntly you don’t have to search far to see the distortions he has made. I won't cover every lie, half-truth, etc. but here I will hit the highlights.
For instance, I explained how Kimberlin and his associates put me and my wife in fear that they would try to hurt us. And in the midst of that, I said:
Update: So how well is Brett Kimberlin's plan to suppress all speech about his violent past? So well, that for the first time he has made Memeorandum! And they linked to me too. Sweet!
Also be sure to check out the BLOCKBUSTER POST that started this renewed scrutiny of the convicted terrorism Brett Kimberlin. Right now authorities in Montgomery County can take Mr. Kimberlin off the streets. They have refused to do so. Read my blockbuster post and if you agree that an injustice has been done, please help me to get justice.
And what could have led Brett Kimberlin (who supposedly is so frightened of me that he needs a peace order) to do... whatever he did to alarm Mr. McCain?
Well, you might consider reading this passage from Mark Singer’s book Citizen K(pages 60-61), discussing how Kimberlin dealt with the issue of taxes, when he was a massive drug dealer. After all, any person who has seen The Untouchables knows that they ultimately got Capone for tax evasion—that is hiding the profits for being a gangster. So here’s how Kimberlin avoided that problem:
He had not not yet turned nineteen when he first sought professional tax advice. “When I first started dealing dope, I went to see a lawyer in New York, who told me how to beat the tax people,” he said. “I had to pay this guy $2,500 or $3,000 for a couple of hours of consultation. Plus I had to fly out there. But it was worth it.” Other than driving an expensive car and owning a small airplane, he avoided ostentation and, along the way, the scrutiny of the tax authorities. Each year, he figured out how much he’d spent, extrapolated the income that would be required to support such a life, added ten percent, and filed a short-form tax return, taking the standard deduction. The tax code did not specifically require him to list his occupation, so he left that space blank. The only meony he ever put in the bank, he said, was the money he used to pay taxes. He wrote only two checks a year—one to the Internal Revenue Service, and the other to the Indiana Department of Revenue.
So having read all of that, go and look at this post at McCain’s site. Do you see what I see?
Of course new readers to this site should understand that right now we are in a full on press to get justice against Brett Kimberlin. He has actually tried to frame me for a crime only to be thwarted when video evidence emerged disproving his claims and exonerating me. I have the video as well as the documentation of every dishonest thing he said about it in his effort to put me in prison for up to ten years. I wrote a very long post on the subject and I would ask that you read it, so you can see the depth of this man’s evil and maybe even look into how you can offer me a hand in getting justice. If we take him off the streets perhaps McCain will no longer be The Transient Blogger.
Here’s a taste of what you will see and read:
And yes, Brett Kimberlin will pay for the crimes he committed against me—the justice system will catch up to him again. That’s not a threat, that’s a promise.
Does Brett Kimberlin really think that making McCain abandon his house is the way to make this story quiet down? How is his plan to suppress the truth of his violent past going so far?
Follow me at Twitter @aaronworthing, mostly for snark and site updates. And you can purchase my book (or borrow it for free if you have Amazon Prime), Archangel: A Novel of Alternate, Recent Historyhere. And you can read a little more about my novel, here.
Bluntly, this is illegal under the Peace Order statute. The court would have to find I did some kind of physical act against him, or that I stalked him or something like that. I have not even been in Maryland for well over a week and I simply put have never done anything to put him in reasonable fear of his life. I haven't even seen him outside of court. I can't say I have never been in his presence because somehow he or one of his allies has snapped a picture of me surreptitiously, so maybe he was nearby and I didn't know. But I know I was never knowingly in his presence in the last 30 days.
Update: If you are new to this controversy, here's a short video demonstrating why Brett Kimberlin cannot be trusted:
If you want the whole story, start with this post.
What is also significant is that there is nothing reported there about harassment. He knows he can’t claim that posting about him is harassment as defined in Maryland law (or common sense).
The other thing to get is that most often this is projection with him. He says you are a stalker, when in fact he is a stalker. He accused Seth of trying to put documents into the record for dissemination on the internet when in fact that was his tactic. So, I consider this therefore to be a threat; he is saying I am a threat to his safety, because he is a threat to mine. Fortunately the police have already agreed to stepped up patrols and frankly, I am vigilant and I am ready to defend myself if necessary. But your thoughts and prayers will be appreciated.
And if anything should happen to me, you know who should be the prime suspect.
Follow me at Twitter @aaronworthing, mostly for snark and site updates. And you can purchase my book (or borrow it for free if you have Amazon Prime), Archangel: A Novel of Alternate, Recent Historyhere. And you can read a little more about my novel, here.
First, I want to thank everyone for the almost universally positive reaction to my monster post yesterday. If you haven’t looked into it yet, here’s a video that gives you a taste of what went on...
And then please consider reading this post, where I tell you about how convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin attempted to frame me for a crime and how you can help me get justice for this criminal act.
And I thought I would create a post keeping track of new stories about this as it got passed around the internet, whether they are direct links to my posts, or otherwise.
This post will be updated regularly without announcing the change, but I promise the only changes will be to add more links and possibly to fix a minor spelling or grammatical error. So there.
But wow, it has been really impressive the way this has kicked up a hornet’s nest of trouble for Kimberlin. The Army of Davids is out in full force and it is awesome.
Of course I had warned Kimberlin that this would happen. Here’s what I wrote a few months ago when he claimed that he just wanted to be left alone:
Then maybe you should stop trying to brutally suppress anyone who attempts to tell the truth about your life. Because the more you try to suppress the truth, the more people want to know what you are trying to suppress. We call this the Streisand Effect.
So, if you want all of this to go away, then stop trying to suppress the truth. Stop trying to silence people who tell the truth. And stop trying to bully lawyers for nothing more than giving people legal advice. Ask for the judge to dismiss the injunction against Mr. Allen and go away and leave us alone. I barely gave two craps about you before you tried to risk the lives of my wife and I, and if you leave me alone, I will quickly go back to not caring about you again. I can’t tell you what Seth might do, but can’t you see that your conduct has elevated the man?
Of course I wrote that three days before he attempted to frame me for a crime. So at that time, Kimberlin could have stood down and all of this could have dissipated. But now there is no going back with me. I am not going to stop until I get justice. You are going to learn, Brett Kimberlin, that you committed a crime—indeed several of them—against the wrong person.
And I am getting a feeling that there is a sort-of “I am Spartacus” element to all of this support. As I have said before, I participated modestly in the Everyone Draw Mohammed movement. Kimberlin has indeed used my participation in it to falsely claim that I hate all Muslims. That ignores inconvenient facts such as that self-identified Muslims participated at my Everyone Draw Mohammed site and even more expressed support for what we were doing, even if their faith didn’t allow them to participate (something I could totally respect, too). Or you might just follow the link at the beginning of this paragraph and see how I praised moderate Muslims for bravely standing up to terrorism in Egypt.
And when talking about the Everyone Draw Mohammed protest, I wrote this:
From early on, a popular metaphor for this protest was this key scene in the movie Spartacus:
“I am Spart[a]cus” is the perfect analogy to what this is. The South Park guys are the real one[s] being threatened and the only response that will defeat that is if millions stand up and say: ["]You will not confiscate our pens.”
What we were really doing was calling the terrorist’s bluff. They said that if anyone dares to draw a cartoon of their prophet, even a dinky little stick figure, that they will murder that person. But it was a bluff. Because the truth was that if enough people did it, it would be impossible to kill them all. So around 100,000 people committed the same “offense” on Facebook and 700 did at my site, and you know what? Nothing happened to them.
And, I suspect, something like that is happening here. I think a lot of people have decided that if Kimberlin is going to harass every person who tells the truth about him, they are going to give him more targets than he can handle. I could be wrong, but that is what I suspect is going on, at least in part.
Now watch that movie clip again, and imagine you are Spartacus. Really, Douglas is engaged in some very fine acting. You can see him screw up his courage before he stands up to identify himself and then right at the 1:24 mark you can see his right eye well up and a tear falls down his cheek. You can see he is proud of their willingness to stand with him and profoundly moved by their courage. And perhaps he felt a little stronger knowing he wasn’t going to be alone in this.
Well, right now I know how that feels. So to everyone talking about the story, thank you. I will strive to name everyone I can who has blogged about it, and there are more people on twitter talking about it than I can keep track of. And it only seems to be getting bigger. Which is a very good thing. So consider yourself thanked as a group, tweeps, Facebookers, and the like.
And of course if you do blog about it, let me know at and I will link back to you. If you want that sort of thing...
Of course the blogger who is absolutely not Kimberlin (even though he seems to be obsessed with defending Kimberlin to the point that he even lies and suggests that Kimberlin has only committed one crime and violates the law by putting selectively edited court audio on the net), suggest that all of this is part of some kind of conspiracy. No, what it is, is this. I have proven that Kimberlin has committed a severe crime against me and people all over the internet—on the left and the right—are deeply offended by what you have done. There is no more a conspiracy to denounce you than there is to denounce the Ku Klux Klan.
And Kimberlin will probably bristle at the comparison to the Ku Klux Klan. But like the KKK, Kimberlin left a bomb where children might get hurt. Kimberlin v. White, 7 F.3d 527, 528 (6th Cir. 1993) (“In the worst incident, Kimberlin placed one of his bombs in a gym bag, and left it in a parking lot outside Speedway High School”). Oh, and for that matter, like the KKK Kimberlin discriminates against black people.
Even in the midst of all the hectic fallout (I have been contacted by several people, including reporters) from yesterday’s monster post detailing how Brett Kimberlin attempted to frame me for a crime, I still found time for laughter.
That might sound odd to you, but anyone who knows me in real life realizes that I will make jokes all the time, even in pretty bad situations. I tell people to only start worrying if I don’t joke. I think it is a cultural quirk I picked up from my Jewish friends growing up. That is why a movie like Life is Beautiful made profound sense to me, while I think for a lot of people it was kind of a head-scratcher. Certainly this trailer doesn’t do a very good job explaining it:
Some people felt that it was weird to place a comedy during the holocaust, to show a man trying to make his son laugh in the midst of horror. But I get it. I can’t even quite explain it, but I get it. I don’t mind any other person being offended by it, but I found it to be a great movie.
And of course there is also Mel Brooks’ decision to make a mockery of Hitler in The Producers (this clip is from the original, not the more recent movie based on a Broadway musical based on the original movie—and even reciting that makes my head hurt):
Update: All thank you's for the links will be listed and will be updated without a separate announcement. Thanks to Point of Law, Patterico, the Other McCain (who focuses on Rauhauser's involvement in all of this), Overlawyered (amazingly, they side with the lawyer on this one), long time internet ally Blazing Catfur, The American Catholic, The Lonely Conservative and Dan Collins for the linkage. Also Robert Stacy McCain uncovers further connections to big democratic hitters, particularly through Matthew Vadum's research showed how the Tides Foundation, Barbara Streisand and John Kerry's wife support this convicted terrorist and perjurer. And Donald Douglas at American Power has a nice write up and discusses his similar experiences, and Five Feet of Fury discuss the similarity between that and some thuggery in Canada.
Update (II): Several readers complained that the big post was too long, that it was straining their computers. So I created another version breaking it down into eight pieces, here. Feedback is important and appreciated, so thanks to those readers for point it out to me.
Regular readers of this site know that for some time the convicted domestic terrorist known as Brett Kimberlin has been harassing me. He did this because I dared to offer a bit of light, free legal help to a man he was suing named Seth Allen and then as he came after me, I told the truth about his deplorable criminal background and the fact he lied under oath in a hearing on November 14, 2011 and recommended that he be charged with perjury. (If you didn’t know, you can catch up on the story, by using this link.) And for a while I have been silent about the saga, so that maybe you thought he had moved on and had chosen to leave me alone. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Starting on January 9, 2012, Brett Kimberlin actually attempted to frame me for a crime. He falsely accused me of essentially beating him up inside the courthouse for the Montgomery County Circuit Court, in Rockville, Maryland. He has claimed at different times that I decked him, that I struck him three times, that I wrestled with him, that I pushed him, that courtroom staff separated us, that the sheriff’s deputies separated us, and that even after the deputies arrived that I kept coming at him repeatedly and had to be restrained.
What didn’t occur to him was that there was a security camera that captured what really happened in the courthouse that day. I have the footage and I have included it in a long post that tells the whole story of how I came to be there that day and what really happened. You will read with your own eyes the transcripts and documents in which he claimed I beat him up, and then you will see the footage that proves that this was a fabrication. I have even created a video comparing his description of what happened to the video footage, piece-by-piece. In other words, you won’t have to believe my word on this. You will only have to believe your eyes.
But the post will also tell you the harrowing story of the damage this man has done to my life. He did more than just lie about what happened. This convicted document-forger produced fake photographs of his supposed injuries and even fake medical records. And using that falsified evidence and his lies, he convinced the Montgomery County State’s Attorney to maintain second degree assault charges against me for over two months—with a punishment of up to ten years in prison, if convicted—taking it so close to trial that I was forced to take the time and expense of preparing much of my defense. He has cost me and my wife our jobs because our workplace was frightened that this violent bomber might show up at work. After all, he had published my home address and work address in court filings, for no reason other than to harass me. He has obtained a peace order (similar to a restraining order) against me in part for supposed “harassment” for having told the truth about him on this blog. And you will learn that after the video emerged, the charges were dropped and the peace order was dismissed on appeal.
And you will learn that once I had the video, I came to the State’s Attorney’s office for Montgomery County, Maryland. I showed them, as I am about to show you, how Kimberlin lied repeatedly under oath in his attempt to frame me. I documented it meticulously, as I will for you. And I demanded justice. And they refused to provide it for me; they blew me off.
And you will learn how you can help me correct this injustice.
So please read the larger post. It is long, but there is a lot to tell and I really could use your help.
And you will finally learn my real name. So there is that!
Follow me at Twitter @aaronworthing, mostly for snark and site updates. And you can purchase my book (or borrow it for free if you have Amazon Prime), Archangel: A Novel of Alternate, Recent Historyhere. And you can read a little more about my novel, here.
Update: A few readers complained that this post is too long--that it was straining their computers' performance. So I created a new version that broke it down into little pieces, here.
[Important Note: I have uploaded a number of documents onto the internet and reference them in this post. In all cases, I have endeavored to remove all personal information from these documents, such as addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, etc. If I have by oversight included any personal information, please inform me in the comments or by email and I will seek to rectify it immediately. I have also redacted certain information that was privileged.]
Dear reader, I have been holding back a story from you for over four months. A crime was committed against me—indeed, several have been—but I was afraid to publicize it, because it would have the effect of fully and completely “outing” me.
Well, today I break that silence, starting with my name. It’s Walker. As in Aaron Walker, not “Aaron Worthing” as you have known me for now over two years.
And I am going to tell you about how Brett Kimberlin attempted to frame me for a crime. He attempted to make authorities in Maryland believe that on January 9, 2012, as we were both exiting a courtroom, I essentially beat him up. You will see him claim that I “decked” him, that the sheriff’s deputies had to separate me from him, that I kept coming at him and the deputies had to restrain me.
And then you will see video of the incident and realize that all of this is a lie. I will even show you a second video that contrasts Kimberlin’s words with the video footage. That is right, you are not going to have to believe my word. You will only have to believe your eyes.
This is a long post, but that is because there is a lot to tell. And we do have to start with some background.
Part 1: Background.
Even if you have been following the posts in what I am calling “The Kimberlin Saga,” there are some things I didn’t share and in any case it helps to put it all in one place. Of course if you want to go back and read all the posts in this “saga,” I suggest you use this link. But I am going to take a few minutes to give you the major points of what happened before. And I am going to write this as if you know nothing about me, because hopefully I will be attracting many new eyeballs with this post.
Well, at exactly 6:54 a.m. I posted my monster post describing how convicted terrorist and perjurer Brett Kimberlin actually tried to frame me for a crime and it has gotten a lot of hits so far.
But a couple people have complained that the post is too large, and too unwieldy, that it is causing computers to crash and the like and have suggested breaking down the post into smaller, more digestible parts. That seems realistic. My computer is relatively new and moderately ahead of the curve, and it was groaning as I tried to create the post.
So I am going to backdate a series of posts covering each part separately. I will end each one with a link to the next part, and I will start each one with a link to the previous part, but here is a list of the parts with links attached, for your convenience:
And of course, dear reader, if you have any other difficulties viewing this story, let me know and I will try to accommodate it. Feedback is appreciated.
Please note also that you will see this post and the others altered in real time as I create the parts and link them. You will not see any announced updates as I do that.
Follow me at Twitter @aaronworthing, mostly for snark and site updates. And you can purchase my book (or borrow it for free if you have Amazon Prime), Archangel: A Novel of Alternate, Recent Historyhere. And you can read a little more about my novel, here.
[Important Note: I have uploaded a number of documents onto the internet and reference them in this post. In all cases, I have endeavored to remove all personal information from these documents, such as addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, etc. If I have by oversight included any personal information, please inform me in the comments or by email and I will seek to rectify it immediately. I have also redacted certain information that was privileged.]
Dear reader, I have been holding back a story from you for over four months. A crime was committed against me—indeed, several have been—but I was afraid to publicize it, because it would have the effect of fully and completely “outing” me.
Well, today I break that silence, starting with my name. It’s Walker. As in Aaron Walker, not “Aaron Worthing” as you have known me for now over two years.
And I am going to tell you about how Brett Kimberlin attempted to frame me for a crime. He attempted to make authorities in Maryland believe that on January 9, 2012, as we were both exiting a courtroom, I essentially beat him up. You will see him claim that I “decked” him, that the sheriff’s deputies had to separate me from him, that I kept coming at him and the deputies had to restrain me.
And then you will see video of the incident and realize that all of this is a lie. I will even show you a second video that contrasts Kimberlin’s words with the video footage. That is right, you are not going to have to believe my word. You will only have to believe your eyes.
This is a long post, but that is because there is a lot to tell. And we do have to start with some background.
Follow me at Twitter @aaronworthing, mostly for snark and site updates. And you can purchase my book (or borrow it for free if you have Amazon Prime), Archangel: A Novel of Alternate, Recent Historyhere. And you can read a little more about my novel, here.
Even if you have been following the posts in what I am calling “The Kimberlin Saga,” there are some things I didn’t share and in any case it helps to put it all in one place. Of course if you want to go back and read all the posts in this “saga,” I suggest you use this link. But I am going to take a few minutes to give you the major points of what happened before. And I am going to write this as if you know nothing about me, because hopefully I will be attracting many new eyeballs with this post.
So let’s start with me. Now that you know my real name, who is this Aaron Walker guy? What secrets are revealed now that I have removed my mask? Am I in a secret conspiracy with the Chamber of Commerce, the late Andrew Breitbart, and/or the Freemasons?
Actually no. In truth, “Aaron Walker” is really kind of a nobody. The reality is that Aaron Worthing, my online alter ego, has had a greater impact on the world than Aaron Walker. Aaron Walker is simply a lawyer of reasonable professional accomplishment, but not exactly a superstar, either, who has a hobby on the side of blogging under the pseudonym “A.W.” and later “Aaron Worthing” (always making it clear that both were the same person).
As Aaron Worthing, I have had a pretty good run as a blogger. I have blogged, commented, etc. on the internet almost continuously for about ten years, but let’s keep it to the last few years. A few years ago, I created this site “Allergic to Bull.” I also participated in the free-speech, anti-terrorism protest called Everybody Draw Mohammed Day and even created a website dedicated to it, called “Everyone Draw Mohammed.” I talked about my participation in that movement, here and here. And this Wikipedia article on the movement as a whole is fair and mainly accurate as of this writing (Wikipedia articles are notorious for being “strategically edited” by people with an agenda).
In October of 2010, I was contacted by J. Patrick Frey, a.k.a. “Patterico” of Patterico’s Pontifications. Patrick is a Deputy District Attorney in Los Angeles in the hard core gang unit. I think it is fair to say that we were acquaintances who mutually admired each other’s writing at that time, but we were not yet friends. But he was about to go on a vacation for two weeks and he needed someone to serve as guest blogger while he was gone, to keep his regular readers happy. So he honored me by asking me to do this for him, and I happily agreed.
So I went to the Montgomery County, Maryland Circuit Court on that morning to address Mr. Kimberlin’s blatantly improper Motion to Withdraw. I hoped to ask for the document to be sealed and for Kimberlin to be sanctioned. I will mostly let the transcript of that day speak for itself, but obviously there are things that do not appear in it, so I will supplement it with my commentary occasionally. For starters, when the court case was called, I immediately stood up at the same time as Kimberlin and came forward about a step behind him.
THE COURT: Civil 339254, Kimberlin versus Seth Allen. And you are?
MR. KIMBERLIN: I’m Brett Kimberlin.
THE COURT: All right.
MR. WALKER: My name is Aaron Walker. I am the blogger known as Aaron Worthing. And I have an emergency motion against Mr. Kimberlin for his gross misconduct in this case, and I’d like to be heard. I know it’s unusual.
THE COURT: It’s not here on your proceeding.
MR. WALKER: I understand, Your Honor.
THE COURT: So I’m not going to hear it.
MR. WALKER: Your Honor, he filed an improper motion before this Court on Friday. I had no notice until Saturday morning that he had done that. He has, in a blatant attempt to stalk and oppress me, he has put --
THE COURT: Hold it. Hold it.
MR. WALKER: Yes. I’m sorry.
THE COURT: First off, you don’t have any right to be saying anything.
Let me break in. At this point, Kimberlin burst out laughing, so the next sentence is directed at him:
As the hearing ended, I gathered my things and got up. Because of this I found myself about a step behind Kimberlin as he left. Kimberlin has feebly claimed I was “following” him in an attempt to claim I was harassing him—but it was only in the sense that I knew of no other way to leave the building available to me. Anyway, so Kimberlin turns to me and says, “I would suggest, Mr. Walker, that you leave me alone.”
I replied, “I will continue to tell the truth about you.” And then he continued to leave and I decided to ask him a few more questions in the hope of getting an admission out of him, asking him why he didn’t call me to the stand that day, given that I was supposedly such a vital witness. I said to him at one point, “The truth is you didn’t want my testimony, you just wanted my identity.”
And he turned to me and in a flash of anger, he said, “And I got it!”
During this exchange we had moved out of the courtroom, and into the waiting area outside. Shortly after he said those words, he took about two steps back and with a smirk, he raised his iPad as though to use it. Here’s what I wrote about it in my criminal complaint against him, and it is the truth (I will embed it later):
But let us focus on what he said about the incident and we will start with his Application for Statement of Charges, filed on January 9, 2012. Citizens who claim that a crime has been committed against them in Montgomery County, Maryland, can go over the Commissioner’s Office in the District Court building in downtown Rockville, Maryland. The person fills out an Application for Statement of Charges, swears an oath that all that had been said is true, and the Commissioner or their delegate determines whether to file the charges. Here’s what Kimberlin said in relevant part in his Application against me:
[Aaron Walker] attacked me physically while exiting the courtroom. He hit me on the shoulder and chest and pushed me, and grabbed my iPad away from me and refused to return it. Mr. Walker has been [page break] harassing me and stalking me online for months, and as we were exiting the Courthouse / Room 5 / Floor 9, he said he was going to continue harassing me, and as we left the courtroom, he grabbed my iPad, hit me in the face, shoulder and chest and wrestled the iPad away from me. Several people witness [sic] this event and the police were immediately called. They got my iPad back and safely escorted me from the building. Mr. Walker tried to come at me several more times but was restrained.
(Emphasis added.) And here is an embed of the same document:
The most horrifying part about this is how effective this man has been in convincing people to act on his lies. You have seen it suggested here and there in the last section as I focused on unearthing every example of his lies about the incident but yes, using these lies Brett Kimberlin has done the best to make my life hell for the last few months and succeeded to a disturbing degree.
It began on January 9, 2012 after the incident. One thing to understand is that my wife actually worked at the same company as I did. I called her to let her know the hearing was done and to give her an overview of what happened and she told me that a detective from the Fairfax County Police had come by. I won’t name him publicly, but she told me that he knew of Kimberlin and was interested in discussing the case with me. When I got there, I discovered that he was a specially trained detective in counter-terrorism and he came there out of concern for that letter Kimberlin wrote to law enforcement authorities. So I sat down in the office of the head of the Human Resources Department and discussed the situation with him in her presence.
So once I had the video, I decided to make another attempt to get the State of Maryland to concern itself with what Kimberlin had done to me. There was serious doubt among my circle of friends whether they would do anything, but as I said to them, “I can’t say they aren’t doing anything about him, until I give them a chance.”
So I filed for another Application for Statement of Charges, you can read the whole thing here but this is the main part (starting after the January 9, 2012 incident):
So this is where you, dear reader, come in. There are several things you can do to help me out.
First, please spread the word far and wide about this story. Tweet it, blog it, Facebook it, link it, whatever. If you are a reporter and would like to talk to me about this and even view the un-redacted documents, let me know at any of my emails, including I will be happy to speak with you.
Second, you can write to the State’s Attorney of Montgomery County. I did not name the subordinate responsible for the inaction, but ultimately it is the responsibility of John McCarthy, the State’s Attorney himself. You might also consider writing to the Governor, or the Attorney General of Maryland. Be polite. You will not help me by being foul or insulting. Simply state that you believe a grave injustice has been done to me—if you happen to agree—and ask them politely to see to it that justice be done.
Third, and importantly, I will be setting up a defense fund very soon. This will not be limited to my case, but to all victims of Kimberlin and his crew because there are more of them than I am disclosing in this post. Their goal is to get anyone who crosses them fired, impoverished by continual and frivolous legal actions and so on. They have already cost me $7,000 and my job. You can help make sure that this will not happen to others and, yes, help me pay my legal expenses.
Fourth, if you are hiring, I need a job. I can work as a lawyer, blogger, researcher or any number of things. Feel free to contact me by email if you think you can offer me something.
Fifth, if you donate to his organization, please stop. It is apparent to me that this man does little else with his life other than harass people who dare to tell the truth about him. If he had an ordinary job where he actually had to work 9-5, maybe he would have no time to bother people for telling the truth about him. This isn’t a legal threat, but simply an observation of reality. If you donate to his charities, you are helping him to torment me and others. His charities might do excellent work, but as long as they employ him, they also support this criminal and immoral conduct.
Besides, can you really trust this man with your money? Look at the video and look at what he said about this incident. Is he a trustworthy man? In my opinion, he is not.
I want to thank you for reading my story. If you have read this far, you have put a lot of effort to get here and I appreciate it. And anything you do to help will be equally appreciated. By sheer shamelessness, Brett Kimberlin has damaged a lot of people’s lives, including my own. Hopefully we can fight back against him.
--Aaron Walker
I will make this offerto Brett Kimberlin. If I have gotten any fact wrong, and you can prove it, I will happily issue a correction. But there are two important limitations on that. First, I will only issue corrections of fact; I am entitled to my opinions as a matter of First Amendment law. Second, I will only issue corrections if you prove me wrong—and by proof I mean something other than your word. Email any such requests for a correction to me or I am unlikely to notice. You know my email address.
You can go back to the beginning of this series, here.
Follow me at Twitter @aaronworthing, mostly for snark and site updates. And you can purchase my book (or borrow it for free if you have Amazon Prime), Archangel: A Novel of Alternate, Recent Historyhere. And you can read a little more about my novel, here.
Update (II): Aaaaand the BIG POST is up. View it here.
Update: Gee, it would help if I told you which time zone I was talking about! Thus the title of the post has been amended appropriately. Thanks to the awesomely nicknamed "Crewman #6" who highlighted this concern. He is truly plucky comic relief and not a red-shirted ensign.
Okay I have told you a big story was coming. I told you that it was very likely to be a blockbuster, with original reporting involved. I told you that I was going to reveal to the world for the first time that a crime was committed against me. I told you that I had absolute documentary and video proof of my claims that I would share with you. In other words, you wouldn’t have to trust my word; you would only have to trust your eyes.
And you have seen me put off publication day after day on it. I told you that I was waiting for a friend of mine who was a videographer to finish a video for me that would help tell my story, and that was all I was waiting on.
Well, I’m not waiting any more. It seems like Murphy’s Law is interfering with the process, big time, on his end. I have seen a partially-finished product and it looks great. I believe and hope he will finish it, and if he does, I will happily put it on my blog in a separate post.
But I am not going to wait for the video any longer. Instead, I will use a video I created myself. And when it comes to video editing... I am a pretty good lawyer. Still, while the video I created will not win any academy awards, I believe it will be effective in the role it is designed to serve. And I think it is pretty good work (for a lawyer).
So it is as of now scheduled in Blogger for tomorrow. That means I could be hit by lightning—or killed by a terrorist’s bomb—and it will still go out. (That bit about being killed by a terrorist’s bomb might sound dramatic to you, but after you are done reading my piece and watching the videos, it won’t seem so far-fetched.) I suppose if there was an EMP blast on the East coast or something, that might stop it but how likely is that? What I am saying is, that as much as any person can promise that a thing like this will happen, I am promising it: 6:55 a.m. tomorrow.
And even if Blogger got hacked, at most it would only delay it. I have taken steps to make sure that if it doesn’t appear at my site, it will appear somewhere else. There is no stopping this signal, Mal.
It’s going to be two posts, one being a short, summary post that other sites can link to easily, and then the longer post that tells you the whole story.
And let me thank you in advance for investing your time in it.
Follow me at Twitter @aaronworthing, mostly for snark and site updates. And you can purchase my book (or borrow it for free if you have Amazon Prime), Archangel: A Novel of Alternate, Recent Historyhere. And you can read a little more about my novel, here.