The Brett Kimberlin Saga:

Follow this link to my BLOCKBUSTER STORY of how Brett Kimberlin, a convicted terrorist and perjurer, attempted to frame me for a crime, and then got me arrested for blogging when I exposed that misconduct to the world. That sounds like an incredible claim, but I provide primary documents and video evidence proving that he did this. And if you are moved by this story to provide a little help to myself and other victims of Mr. Kimberlin’s intimidation, such as Robert Stacy McCain, you can donate at the PayPal buttons on the right. And I thank everyone who has done so, and will do so.

Friday, July 31, 2015

My Opposition to Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin’s Attempt to Obtain Ace of Spades’ Identity

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin has been harassing me for over three years, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  Indeed, he sued me for saying this and lost on the issue of truth.  And more recently when his wife came to us claiming that this convicted terrorist had threatened her harm, we tried to help her leave him, and for that, he sued myself, John Hoge, Robert Stacy McCain and Ali Akbar for helping his wife and for calling him a pedophile.  He lost on the issue of truth.  He is also suing Hoge, Akbar, Dan Backer, DB Capital Strategies, Michelle Malkin, Glenn Beck, Patrick “Patterico” Frey, Mandy Nagy, Lee Stranahan, Erick Erickson,, the Blaze, Mercury Radio Arts, Red State, the National Bloggers Club, and  others alleging that we are all in conspiracy to defame him because we reported factually about the spate of SWATtings committed against myself, Frey and Erickson.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

As I mentioned yesterday, Brett Kimberlin was trying to get Ace of Spades’ identity in two courts at once.  We saw a federal court refuse to provide a protective order on Monday.  I found that out literally as I was putting the finishing touches on the document in this post, which made me wonder if I should bother submitting.  I decided I wanted to because the fight might not be over in federal court.  First, the deficiencies (Federal) Judge Hazel pointed to were technical, only, and he seemed to leave open the door to them re-filing and improving on those technicalities. Second, there are always appellate options.  So best to oppose it in the state court and hope that the federal courts do the right thing.

So I filed this.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

My Motion to Strike Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin’s Improper Ex Parte Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order.

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin has been harassing me for over three years, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  Indeed, he sued me for saying this and lost on the issue of truth.  And more recently when his wife came to us claiming that this convicted terrorist had threatened her harm, we tried to help her leave him, and for that, he sued myself, John Hoge, Robert Stacy McCain and Ali Akbar for helping his wife and for calling him a pedophile.  He lost on the issue of truth.  He is also suing Hoge, Akbar, Dan Backer, DB Capital Strategies, Michelle Malkin, Glenn Beck, Patrick “Patterico” Frey, Mandy Nagy, Lee Stranahan, Erick Erickson,, the Blaze, Mercury Radio Arts, Red State, the National Bloggers Club, and  others alleging that we are all in conspiracy to defame him because we reported factually about the spate of SWATtings committed against myself, Frey and Erickson.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

She really likes her
So a lot has been happening in Brett Kimberlin’s various lawsuits, let’s take a moment and catch up...

First, stop everything and go read as Ken “Popehat” White puts up the “Popehat signal” to help a friend of mine, Mandy Nagy.  If you happen to be a Maryland lawyer and can help, please consider doing so.  Brett has heartlessly sued this stroke victim based on a patently frivolous complaint.

Next, let’s talk about what was once called Kimberlin v. National Bloggers Club, et al. (I) until it was whittled down to just one claim against Patrick Frey.  I think in all frankness, that shouldn’t have been saved to that degree and now Brett is using that process to try to harass others.  Case in point: on Monday, Judge Hazel turned down a protective order in relation to a subpoena for InterMarkets which may, or may not, have the identity of the blogger known as Ace.  Hazel also said that I and several others could seek sanctions for Brett, but also indicated that he wasn’t inclined to grant it.

As for Ace, I will note that the deficiencies the court seemed to hone in on is technical, and the court doesn’t seem to have ordered them to comply, either.  So that fight might not be over.  We shall see.

Next, let’ss talk about Kimberlin v. National Bloggers Club, et al. (II). In NBC (I), Brett filed for many state law claims and they were dismissed for jurisdictional reasons.  The U.S. District Court said that if he was inclined to, he could refile it in state court.  So he did.  So here is the news in that case.

First, he sought to discover Ace’s identity in that case, too, in a remarkably poor motion.  I have filed an opposition to that which I will reveal soon (probably today).

Friday, July 24, 2015

Walker v. Maryland, et al.

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin has been harassing me for over three years, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  Indeed, he sued me for saying this and lost on the issue of truth.  And more recently when his wife came to us claiming that this convicted terrorist had threatened her harm, we tried to help her leave him, and for that, he sued myself, John Hoge, Robert Stacy McCain and Ali Akbar for helping his wife and he is suing Hoge, McCain, Akbar, DB Capital Strategies, Michelle Malkin, Glenn Beck, Patrick “Patterico” Frey, Mandy Nagy, Lee Stranahan, Erick Erickson,, the Blaze, Mercury Radio Arts, Red State, the National Bloggers Club, and  others alleging that we are all in organized crime for reporting factually about the spate of SWATtings committed against myself, Frey and Erickson.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

So, last time I shared with you the complaint I filed against Brett Kimberlin and his wife, Tetyana (noting again, that the only thing I want out of Tetyana is an order stopping her from filing any more false peace orders, criminal charges, etc.

And I noted that the case started as being against Maryland itself.  And I promised to share with you my First Amended Complaint (which is only trivially different from the original complaint) and that I would share it with you... yesterday.

Well, best laid plans and all that.  I had to do something in court today, and I needed to prepare for it last night.  So without further ado, here is what I promised:

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Punching Back Twice as Hard: Revealing Walker v. Brett Kimberlin, et al.

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin has been harassing me for over three years, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  Indeed, he sued me for saying this and lost on the issue of truth.  And more recently when his wife came to us claiming that this convicted terrorist had threatened her harm, we tried to help her leave him, and for that, he sued myself, John Hoge, Robert Stacy McCain and Ali Akbar for helping his wife and he is suing Hoge, McCain, Akbar, DB Capital Strategies, Michelle Malkin, Glenn Beck, Patrick “Patterico” Frey, Mandy Nagy, Lee Stranahan, Erick Erickson,, the Blaze, Mercury Radio Arts, Red State, the National Bloggers Club, and  others alleging that we are all in organized crime for reporting factually about the spate of SWATtings committed against myself, Frey and Erickson.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

If you happen to be diabetic, you might need popcorn
as you read this to keep up your blood sugar levels...
Regular readers know that I often hold things back from you.  Aside from the times when I have been unconstitutionally gagged, the reason why I have done so was typically for strategic reasons of various kinds.  On a rare occasion I have to hold something back to respect the privacy of others, especially innocent third parties.  And then those strategic reasons evaporate and I can tell you what I have been holding back, which is what is happening today.  In this case, I haven’t been telling you about something for around six months: a lawsuit I filed.

There is a somewhat complicated history of the lawsuit, but let’s get the actual complaint out front.  Without further ado, here is the Second Amended Complaint:

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Final Failure of Adjudicated Pedophile Brett Kimberlin’s Human Shield Strategy (Part 3 of 3): Fisking Tetyana Kimberlin’s False Charges

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin has been harassing me for over three years, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  Indeed, he sued me for saying this and lost on the issue of truth.  And more recently when his wife came to us claiming that this convicted terrorist had threatened her harm, we tried to help her leave him, and for that, he sued myself, John Hoge, Robert Stacy McCain and Ali Akbar for helping his wife and he is suing Hoge, McCain, Akbar, DB Capital Strategies, Michelle Malkin, Glenn Beck, Patrick “Patterico” Frey, Mandy Nagy, Lee Stranahan, Erick Erickson,, the Blaze, Mercury Radio Arts, Red State, the National Bloggers Club, and  others alleging that we are all in organized crime for reporting factually about the spate of SWATtings committed against myself, Frey and Erickson.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

So on Monday, I shared with you a redacted copy of Tetyana Kimberlin’s false charges and some of my general thoughts about them.  Yesterday, I gave you my memorandum in support of my motion to dismiss.  Now, today as promised, I will fisk the Application for Statement of Charges.  As I often have in the past, what I am fisking will be quoted in red.

For starters there is even something to fisk on the first page, which relates to authorship.  First, she gives her address as the basement of Brett's mother's house (which has been the marital residence), in other words where Brett is living now.  We can only guess whether she actually lives there, especially as you can see that this was originally written as both her and Brett’s complaint.  I will say that at one point she seemed to be dead set against ever moving in with Brett again and I would be somewhat surprised if that changed.  It is also worth noting that the phone number, which I also won’t disclose, is Brett’s personal cell phone number, not hers.