The Brett Kimberlin Saga:

Follow this link to my BLOCKBUSTER STORY of how Brett Kimberlin, a convicted terrorist and perjurer, attempted to frame me for a crime, and then got me arrested for blogging when I exposed that misconduct to the world. That sounds like an incredible claim, but I provide primary documents and video evidence proving that he did this. And if you are moved by this story to provide a little help to myself and other victims of Mr. Kimberlin’s intimidation, such as Robert Stacy McCain, you can donate at the PayPal buttons on the right. And I thank everyone who has done so, and will do so.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

If Romney Wins, Don’t Cheer: Remember The Price We Paid to Get There

Every now and then when I see a particularly promising piece of news in this election, I tweet it out with a half-joking line: “Must not get excited... must not get excited...”  Here’s an example:

The joke is that I half-believe in Murphy’s Law and jinxes.  I carry an umbrella often to prevent it from raining (sadly it didn’t do anything about this hurricane).  It’s superstitious, but it’s just a harmless quirk I have.  And that tweet is ultimately riffing off the fact that I will stand up and cheer if Romney wins next Tuesday in the privacy of my own home, but I am afraid to get too excited because then it makes me that much more likely to be let down.  But I knew I was likely to jump up and down cheering if Romney won...

...until I came across a cartoon at Instapundit, and the price of that victory suddenly struck me.  Let me show you that cartoon:

Yeah, it’s not funny, but it is effective.  It is not humor but rage I feel looking at that image.  And it crystalized a thought that had been rattling around my head all day.  This Benghazi thing, is likely to cost Obama the election.  It is a daily drip-drip-drip of bad news that is fatally undermining this administration.  Let me quote to you from a piece I read today, in the Wall Street Journal, entitled Suddenly, A Credibility Gap:

Friday, October 26, 2012

President Obama’s Gutless Call

WARNING: We are about to talk about President Barack Obama and the killing of Osama bin Laden.  There is a high probability that I will accidentally call Obama Osama or vice versa.  I apologize for this error in advance.

Well, after the big nothing and postponement of the hearing today, it’s back to the election for me.  We have less than two weeks to go, and this is probably one of the more pivotal elections in American history.

A while back when we just killed bin Laden, a meme started among the left declaring that it was “gutsy call” it was for Obama to have ordered our troops to raid Osama’s house and ultimately put a well-deserved bullet in his head.  I considered it to be a fairly ridiculous claim.  I couldn’t imagine an easier call to make as president.  I had assumed that liberals were just trying to coast on the victory.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Big Hearing Tomorrow Against Brett Kimberlin (And the Maryland Court of Appeals Shows Its Contempt for Kimberlin)

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that Kimberlin has been harassing me since last December, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

First, let me apologize for the light blogging.  Especially with the election within two weeks I wanted to be posting, posting, posting, but a stomach flu interfered with that.

But let me bring you up to date for Kimberlin matters.  As the estimable Mr. Hoge has noted on October 5 discovery was due and in an unusual step, the court asked that Kimberlin file that discovery with the court.  While I cannot disclose what exactly Kimberlin provided, I can let Dan Backer’s motion for sanctions and to hold Brett Kimberlin in contempt speak for itself, to the extent that it is a public document (some of the exhibits are items that the court has ordered to be placed under seal and Backer has respected that order).  That hearing to determine if Kimberlin is in contempt of court is scheduled for tomorrow.  Any prayers and any other form of support is appreciated.

I suggest you follow Mr. Hoge’s blog and potentially his twitter account for the latest news on that, and follow his scribd account for numerous interesting documents in the case and other Kimberlin-related information.  My attorney has asked me to limit the color commentary for the time being, so Hoge will be freer to speak on the matter than I will and I do expect him (and perhaps others) to be in attendance tomorrow.

I am asked to limit the commentary when it comes to the Virginia and Federal cases.  Now on the other hand, I can speak freely about anything going on in Maryland.  And Kimberlin suffered another defeat earlier this week in that jurisdiction.

Previously, I told you about how Kimberlin, a convicted terrorist and perjurer, showed contempt for the Maryland Court of Appeals.  Well, apparently the contempt is mutual.  This showed up earlier this week on the Maryland Court of Appeals website under Petitions for Certiorari:

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Funniest Thing in this HuffPo Article on the Westboro Idiots

We’ll start with the serious stuff.  As the Huffington Post “reports” there was a funeral recently in North Carolina: “The service was meant to honor 29-year-old Staff Sgt. Donna Johnson, who was among 14 people killed earlier this month in a suicide bomber attack in Afghanistan.”  Each American who dies protecting our freedom deserves our reverent honor—and for that matter, for us not to squander the freedom they paid for so dearly.

And equally serious, if the reports of assault and battery on one of the Westboro morons are true, this is wrong.  Reportedly this @$$hole* had chosen to stomp on the American flag, which is noxious, but presuming it to be his or own property, it is their right and part of that right is the right to do so without being subjected to violence.  Yes, on some level I understand the emotions involved but that does not justify or excuse this conduct.

This supposedly shows what happened, but truthfully with the poor video quality, I can’t make heads or tails of what we are seeing (it looks much better when viewed on a phone):

But the part that made me laugh out loud?  Well, see if you find anything odd about this passage:

The service was meant to honor 29-year-old Staff Sgt. Donna Johnson, who was among 14 people killed earlier this month in a suicide bomber attack in Afghanistan. Johnson was reportedly gay, and is survived by her wife Tracy Dice, also a member of the armed forces.

(Emphasis added.)  That is right, Staff Sgt. Donna Johnson has left behind a grieving wife, but let’s not draw any hasty conclusions about her sexuality!  We only have reports that this woman was gay, and we will just have to wait until her wife tells us or not.

Once again, the investigative reporting of the Huffington Post proves it is among the best in the world.


* Let me be clear, my constant derogatory references to the Westboro protesters, calling them things like idiots and @$$holes, is not meant to justify or diminish the wrongness of the act allegedly committed against one of them.  Rape is still rape, whatever the length of her skirt.  And the First Amendment protects the right to be an obnoxious @$$hole, much to the relief of Code Pink and PETA.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Ugly Tweet of the Night: Tim Bitici Hopes to See Paul Ryan’s Daughter Raped

Update: He has a new, feeble excuse.  See below.

I have long said that Twitter is the single best engine of self-beclownment ever invented.  Too many people tweet on impulse, hitting send before they think it through.  You know, sort of like how a smaller number of people carelessly send emails without paying attention.  So for many people Twitter is their unfiltered selves, and their true selves comes through.

And strap yourself in because it gets ugly.  The language is coarse, but it is necessary to convey the evil involved and for that I apologize:

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Connecticut Supreme Court Holds That a Woman With Cerebral Palsy Can Consent to Sex; Think Progress Screeches in Horror

This came across my twitter feed yesterday:

What this tweet invoked was the old rules that required a woman to fight if she is being raped, even if she is afraid the guy might get more violent in response.  Fortunately I believe every single state in the union has scrapped this rule, either defining rape as sex without a person’s consent or by the use of the amount of force necessary to accomplish the act—and not to get too graphic, but that force requirement is very often met by the mere act of penetration.

So oh no!  Connecticut is taking a step backwards from this!  It’s like there is a war on women or something!

And if you track this back to the original Think Progress piece, you get breathless passages like this:

According to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN), lack of physical resistance is not evidence of consent, as “many victims make the good judgment that physical resistance would cause the attacker to become more violent.” RAINN also notes that lack of consent is implicit “if you were under the statutory age of consent, or if you had a mental defect” as the victim did in this case.

So again, war on women and whatnot.

Except for one thing.  Would it shock you to learn that Think Progress is being less than honest?  Well, not if you are paying attention.  What Think Progress is doing is demagoguing against the Supreme Court of Connecticut and ultimately arguing for a rule of law that would say that if a person has this woman’s disabilities, he or she can never legally have sex.  Don’t believe me?  Well, follow along.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Some Linkage in the Kimberlin Saga

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that Kimberlin has been harassing me since last December, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

I have a hearing tomorrow so I won’t be able to say very much about any of these, but I wanted to point you toward some important links worth reading.

First, if you are interested in the Kimberlin Saga, go to Hogewash and keep reading.  In fact, this link aggregates all of his posts related to Kimberlin.  Use it often.

But a few posts to call particular attention to.  First, you might ask “what hearing is tomorrow?”  Well, it is about the motion that Mr. Hoge discloses here.

In addition to that, Hoge has been investigating Kimberlin’s organizations and has found strong evidence of shenanigans in regards to his tax filings.  It is not a slam dunk, but it is certainly suspicious.

And for sheer chutzpah, apparently Kimberlin and his organization believes themselves to be First Amendment heroes.  You might have heard about P*ssy Riot (name slightly censored), the Russian punk band who was arrested for “hooliganism” for staging a protest against Putin.  By the news reports I have read, this seems like a valid free speech issue.

And Kimberlin and company have created a Pussy Riot advocacy fund.  They consider it a great injustice that P*ssy Riot is “languishing in prison for exercising their universal right to free expression.”  This is said by an organization run by a man who had me arrested for having exercised my right to freedom of expression.  Brett Kimberlin doesn’t respect freedom of expression in the slightest and certainly doesn’t mind attempting to criminalize disagreement.

No, what this is, is a transparent attempt to latch on to a popular issue to raise money.  None of the money goes to P*ssy Riot or their defense, but to “raise awareness” of their plight.  So in fact well-intentioned people, not reading his fine print, might think they are contributing to P*ssy Riot’s defense when it actually goes to this convicted terrorist and perjurer.  And by siphoning off money that could go to directly helping these women, Kimberlin is actually harming their cause.  They don’t need an anti-free-speech thug to “raise awareness” for them, they need money for their defense.

You can read about this entire scummy affair, here.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Patrick Frey, aka “Patterico” has been sued by Kimberlin ally Nadia Naffe, almost certainly an abusive suit.  I will talk more when I have gathered more information about it.