So apparently letters were being
sent to President Obama, Mayor Bloomberg and his gun control group with ricin
in them and with apparent pro-Second-Amendment ranting in the letters
The letter sent to
Bloomberg -- and an additional one sent to a gun control group he founded --
contained what could be described as an overzealous pro-gun position.
"You will have
to kill me and my family before you get my guns," the letters said, a law
enforcement official told CNN. "Anyone wants to come to my house will be
shot in the face. The right to bear arms is my constitutional God-given right
and I will exercise that right 'til the day I die. What's in this letter is
nothing compared to what I've got planned for you," the note inside each
envelope said, according to the official.
CNN obtained a copy
of the letter sent to mayors' gun control group, postmarked May 20 in
Shreveport, Louisiana, and the wording matched the account provided by the law
enforcement official.
The letter addressed
to Obama that was intercepted Wednesday appeared similar to these letters.
Bloomberg said this
latest threat won't intimidate him.
"There's 12,000
people that are gonna get killed this year with guns and 19,000 that are going
to commit suicide with guns, and we're not going to walk away from those
efforts," Bloomberg said.
Of course I am being
facetious. Bloomberg and Obama shouldn’t
be pursuing gun control, but not out of fear of private violence. Instead they should be persuaded away from it
by peaceful means. The use of terrorism to
get your way in a debate is simply wrong.
But the funny thing is that many liberals believe that when an Islamofascist
says he will kill a person if they blaspheme his faith, that we must not blaspheme
their faith. They even blame the blasphemer for the violence that follows, instead of the people who got violent. These same people who rightly
claim we have a constitutional right to create something like the Piss
Christ or to burn an American flag, and those who are offended should not
resort to violence over it, think that we must refrain from drawings such as

(Beware the dreaded stick figures
of blasphemy!)
...lest there be violence. So only certain kinds of terrorism should be surrendered
to, but the question is why that and not others? Mind you, not all liberals feel this way, but too many
But I digress...
Still, when I saw the latest
round of apparently politically motivated terror, something didn’t smell right
to me. In response to one such incident,
I tweeted out the following:
Here's what I am having trouble buying w these ricin stories... don't these criminals know by now that if u (cont)
— Aaron Worthing (@AaronWorthing) May 30, 2013
(cont) send ricin to a major politician it'll never get even close to him or her? So I suspect this is Moby-ism.
— Aaron Worthing (@AaronWorthing) May 30, 2013
Now that takes a little
translation. So the first part of my
logic was this: ricin letters is a terrible way to actually try to kill a
person, especially a politician. There
are people paid to screen these people’s mail, so even if the ricin could be so
weaponized to be deadly to the person opening it, it will be nowhere near the
apparent target. For instance this is
what this report said about the letter to Bloomberg:
One letter was
discovered at City Hall's mail sorting facility at 100 Gold St. on Friday, a
law enforcement source told NBC 4 New York. It appeared to contain a pink, oily
substance when a mail worker came across it and was immediately flagged as
An initial field
test didn't bring up any sign of ricin, a source said. But more preliminary
testing Wednesday showed the letter tested positive for ricin.
Likewise the letter sent to the
President was sorted at some site far from the White House. And the one set to the gun control group was
opened by a secretary, rather than the name on the envelope. The point is that this ricin attack was
really, really ineffectual and anyone with more than two brain cells to rub
together would recognize that it would be ineffectual before it happened.
So that led me to argue that this
is Moby-ism. Which if you are not up on
the current slang probably needs to be translated. The musician Moby once suggested to liberals that
they should falsely pretend to be conservative and say things to harm
conservatives. Sometimes it is planting
false rumors: “I’m a conservative but I heard this republican secretly had a
child aborted!” And sometimes it is
saying outrageous things in order to try to get someone to agree with
them. Like for instance, a “Moby” might
say this about the budget issues: “Obama is blowing a hole in the deficit
because n----rs like him can’t count.” The
person writing this is in fact an Obama supporter posting this comment in order
to try to make the other side look bad by agreeing with them.
So what I was arguing is that
this appeared to be a frame up. My hypothesis
was that this was a gun-control liberal posing as a pro-Second-Amendment conservative
in order to frame Second-Amendment conservatives and put them into disrepute.
And it looks like I am probably (partially)
right, if this indictment turns out to be true:
A Texas actress in a
troubled marriage was arrested and charged Friday in connection with
ricin-tainted letters that were mailed last month to President Barack Obama and
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, authorities said.
Shannon Richardson,
35, also known as Shannon Rogers and Shannon Guess, initially told the FBI that
her husband, Nathaniel, sent the ricin-laced letters, but a polygraph exam
found her to be "deceptive" on the matter, court papers said.
Investigators found
that her computer storage devices contained the text of threatening letters
sent to the president, but the couple's computer records show her husband
couldn't have printed them out because he was at work at the time, an FBI
arrest affidavit said.
On Thursday, Shannon
Richardson told investigators she mailed the ricin-tainted letters, but she
claimed that her husband typed the letters and forced her to print and mail
them, the affidavit said.
Her husband denied
involvement and claimed his wife wanted to end their marriage and leave him,
the affidavit said. He told investigators that his wife was "intentionally
misleading" them, the court papers said.
Shannon Richardson
is accused of mailing a threatening communication to the president and faces up
to 10 years in prison if convicted, according to a statement from U.S. Attorney
John M. Bales' office in Texas.
For informational purposes and
not at all for Rule 5 purposes, here’s a picture of her:
But of course this comes on the
heels of some very excellent blog reporting over at Weapons Man.
At this time, a
providential break in the case occurred: a New Boston woman named Shannon
Richardson walked in to the FBI in Shreveport, LA, and fingered her husband,
Nathaniel, as the mailer. Nathaniel was dangerous. He had lots of guns. He
didn’t like the President. He was a combat wounded veteran, and he was employed
in the defense industrial base (these are all things the FBI has been directed
to consider warning signs). The FBI swarmed him at work.
To their shock and
surprise, Nathaniel Richardson was cooperative. He said his marriage was on the
rocks, and said anything Shannon told them was probably bullshit. Apparently
one of the many stressors in their failed marriage was their disparate attitude
towards guns. He consented to a search of his vehicle.
The search found a
dozen castor beans in the trunk of his silver Maxima. Castor beans are the
essential source of ricin. Still, they didn’t take him into custody. They did
tell him not to leave town.
Meanwhile, other
agents conducted a limited consent search of the Richardson home, finding and
taking with Shannon’s consent numerous electronic gadgets that let them
establish that Nathaniel’s computer had indeed been used to order castor beans
and items for preparing ricin (lye and syringes). Shannon’s cell phone, which
she also permitted them to examine, had nothing suspicious on it.
At this point, the
FBI had a pretty good suspicion that the ricin letters originated at the
Richardson home, but they had no real proof either spouse was guilty — each
fingered the other, and the physical and computer forensics didn’t close the
suspicion gap on either one.
I would suggest you read the whole thing,
but it turns out much like Jodi Arias it was the multiple stories that sank her
credibility. First she suspected her
husband was involved. Then she knew he
was involved and deliberately planted evidence to help the police catch him for
what he actually did. Then she actually
did all of it, but only because her husband forced her to. Yeah, I supposed that’s possible, but as the
third story she has told, it doesn’t seem very credible.
So to be totally accurate I was (allegedly)
close. She was apparently trying to
strike a blow against gun rights, but surely her estrangement is for more
personal reasons. At least I hope it
was. It would just pure craziness if the
only reason why they broke up was over politics.
Anyway, this leads us to the
least surprising sentence written in any article, ever: “Also on Thursday,
Nathaniel Richardson filed for divorce.”
Glad a person is being smart with their heart for once. I don’t believe in divorce at the drop of a
hat, but I think sometimes it is exactly the right thing to do, and this is one
of those times.
But sadly there is more, a child
His wife is
pregnant, and the anticipated birth date and sex of the fetus is not known, the
divorce lawsuit said. The couple married on October 8, 2011, the [divorce] suit
I suspect there will be a decent
chance her lawyer will argue she has some kind of pregnancy induce
madness. Not that this should work (it
is indeed insulting to women generally), but lawyers will often use any tool at
their disposal, insulting or not.
And I think it is also
appropriate here to talk about blame. As
I have said before, I am reluctant to put the blame on someone’s words for
someone else actions (outside of true incitement). But sometimes I think it really is
relevant. For instance, I
laid Chris Dorner’s crimes at the feet at liberals because he explicitly
stated his hope that his crimes would bring him sympathy. Likewise, here, it appears Mrs. Richardson
was hoping that her crimes would harm the Second Amendment movement. This was more than likely done with the knowledge that the media would do exactly
that: hold this crime against those who support gun control. This is not to reduce Richardson’s blame one
bit, but every person who has blamed conservatives at the drop of a hat from the
crimes of others bears some of the blame for this crime. An introspective left might look at this
story and decide to reform itself. I
mean fat chance of it happening, but it would be the appropriate response.
And of course I might be accused
of projecting my own life experiences into this, but every effort needs to be
made to see her punished not only for the crime but for the attempt to frame
her husband for it. The disruption that
this has likely caused him calls out for justice.
Finally as a coda to this story,
here’s a picture of Richardson in a bathing suit with a gun. To expose her hypocrisy, of course, and not
for rule 5 purposes:
I have accused some people,
particularly Brett Kimberlin, of
reprehensible conduct. In some cases, the conduct is even
criminal. In all cases, the only justice I want is through the
appropriate legal process—such as the criminal justice system. I do not want to see vigilante violence
against any person or any threat of such violence. This kind of conduct is not only morally wrong,
but it is counter-productive.
In the particular case of Brett
Kimberlin, I do not want you to even contact him. Do not call him. Do not write him a letter. Do not write him an email. Do not text-message him. Do not engage in any kind of directed communication. I say this in part because under Maryland
law, that can quickly become harassment and I don’t want that to happen to him.
And for that matter, don’t go on
his property. Don’t sneak around and try
to photograph him. Frankly try not to
even be within his field of vision. Your
behavior could quickly cross the line into harassment in that way too (not to
mention trespass and other concerns).
And do not contact his
organizations, either. And most of all, leave his family alone.
The only exception to all that is
that if you are reporting on this, there is of course nothing wrong with
contacting him for things like his official response to any stories you might
report. And even then if he tells you to
stop contacting him, obey that request. That
this is a key element in making out a harassment claim under Maryland law—that
a person asks you to stop and you refuse.
And let me say something
else. In my heart of hearts, I don’t
believe that any person supporting me has done any of the above. But if any of you have, stop it, and if you
haven’t don’t start.
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