I try to do a
tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. every year. Any long-time reader will recognize I have
deep respect for the man. I have half-jokingly
called him “our American saint”—it’s only half a joke because it is so true. And you know there is this whole thing:
If MLK had
never existed I might not have been able to marry my lovely wife. How do you
even begin to thank a man for that? #MLKDay
Aaron Worthing (@AaronWorthing) January
20, 2014
But truly I
felt a great deal of respect for the man and even gratitude well before
that. Being disabled, I do belong to a
group that tends to face discrimination and I personally have faced
discrimination because of my disabilities.
I dropped out of high school because of that discrimination and only
after Congress passed the Americans with Disabilities Act was I able to get a
GED, go to college and eventually become a lawyer. Where would the movement to give greater
equality to the disabled people be if racial discrimination was still
considered acceptable?