The Brett Kimberlin Saga:

Follow this link to my BLOCKBUSTER STORY of how Brett Kimberlin, a convicted terrorist and perjurer, attempted to frame me for a crime, and then got me arrested for blogging when I exposed that misconduct to the world. That sounds like an incredible claim, but I provide primary documents and video evidence proving that he did this. And if you are moved by this story to provide a little help to myself and other victims of Mr. Kimberlin’s intimidation, such as Robert Stacy McCain, you can donate at the PayPal buttons on the right. And I thank everyone who has done so, and will do so.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin’s Request to Seek Sanctions Denied

And Reading Judge Grimm’s Tea Leaves

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that Kimberlin has been harassing me for over two years, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.   I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  And more recently when his wife came to us claiming that this convicted terrorist had threatened her harm, we tried to help her leave her, and for that, he is suing myself, John Hoge, Robert Stacy McCain and Ali Akbar for helping his wife and he is suing Hoge, McCain, Akbar, DB Capital Strategies, Michelle Malkin, Glenn Beck, James O’Keefe III, Patrick “Patterico” Frey, Mandy Nagy, Lee Stranahan, Erick Erickson,, the Blaze, Mercury Radio Arts, Red State, the National Bloggers Club, and  Simon and Shuster alleging that we are all in organized crime for reporting factually about the spate of SWATtings committed against myself, Frey and Erickson.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.
 So you might have heard it on my twitter, or seen it over at Hogewash but Brett Kimberlin’s request to file a motion for sanctions has been denied.

You can read the entire letter order here, after the break (so quick, get the popcorn!).  And bluntly, if you don’t know what is going on, I suggest you read this post as background which discusses some of the law of Rule 11 motions for sanctions.  So, see you after the break!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin’s “Fletcher” Objection to Smith’s Memorandusm

And Other Assorted Silliness in the RICO Suit

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that Kimberlin has been harassing me for over two years, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.   I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  And more recently when his wife came to us claiming that this convicted terrorist had threatened her harm, we tried to help her leave her, and for that, he is suing myself, John Hoge, Robert Stacy McCain and Ali Akbar for helping his wife and he is suing Hoge, McCain, Akbar, DB Capital Strategies, Michelle Malkin, Glenn Beck, James O’Keefe III, Patrick “Patterico” Frey, Mandy Nagy, Lee Stranahan, Erick Erickson,, the Blaze, Mercury Radio Arts, Red State, the National Bloggers Club, and  Simon and Shuster alleging that we are all in organized crime for reporting factually about the spate of SWATtings committed against myself, Frey and Erickson.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

So let’s a do a little catchup.  I have been laboring under a stomach flu (and being a sharing couple my wife has had it worse) and John has beat me to the punch in most of these cases making a post on a lot of events unnecessary.  Most of you who are following The Kimberlin Saga® know by now to follow along at Hogewash, and if you aren’t by now, you should.

So first, Brett admitted to forging a summons in the Federal RICO case against me (that case is still in the motion to dismiss stage).  You can read that admission, here.  Then on April 9, in the state case (which is just finishing discovery), he admitted to forging a green certified mail card.  You can read my reports on this here and here, which was verified by the official transcript of that hearing, which John Hoge posted here.

Next Michael Smith, counsel for Michelle Malkin and Twitchy, asked to file a supplemental memorandum discussing that April 9 hearing, here.  Previously he sought sanctions for the forging of the summons and that motion was still pending.  Here, the idea was that the fact that Brett altered documents in another case might bear on what the court thinks of him altering documents in the federal case.  Yes, the state judge didn’t fine him but only because she didn’t think she had the legal authority.  I respectfully think she was wrong, but the federal judge has unquestioned statutory and inherent authority to do so there is a good legal reason why you might get a different outcome in the federal case.  And I predicted that when the court saw what happened in the April 9 state hearing, it might be more likely to sternly sanction Brett, here.

Monday, May 5, 2014

A Palate Cleanser: Breakdancing Buddhist Monks

Well, after the awfulness of that post on Mr. Skin trivializing the evil of slavery, how about something that renews your faith in humanity?

One of my all time favorite bands is the Beastie Boys.  For instance, below the break you can enjoy the video for Sabotage:

Mr. Skin Thinks Beating a Slave is, Like, Hawt

Well, this find goes to Dave Weigel at Slate:

(You don’t have to click the link.  When you are done reading this, you will know more about the page than you probably ever wanted to know.  And you might very well wish to avoid clicking the link and supporting this garbage.)

Well, of course this is unlikely to be the actual worst.  I mean it’s a big internet.  But this is a serious contender.  Last year Twelve Years a Slave came out.  I confess I haven’t had the chance to see it, but my understanding is that it is one of the more brutal depictions of slavery akin to Schindler’s List’s depiction of the holocaust or The Last Temptation of Christ’s depiction of Jesus death: it’s horrible, and appropriately so, or so I understand.

And there is nudity in it, because slaves, particularly women, were humiliated in this fashion.  This page from a children’s book (!) about the evil of slavery is indicative:

My Star Wars Day Tribute

Well, that... and my tribute to the badassery of Samuel L. Jackson.

So today (okay, technically yesterday), was Star Wars day.  Why because it was May 4th, as in “May the Forth Be With You” which prompted this commentary from me:

Which led to this nonsense from Ms. Prado:

(Ms. Prado is actually the ex-wife of demented adjudicated harasser Bill Schmalfeldt who has proven to be a perfectly lovely person whose major personality flaw is a love of puns—not that I can really criticize anyone for that.)

But what prompted me to this tribute is learning about this little bit of badassery.  As you know, Samuel L. Jackson was one of the coolest things in the prequel trilogy.  Like Liam Neeson, his likeability was mainly carried over from other movies; his character was awesome mainly because he was awesome.  The man had a purple lightsaber.  A purple lightsaber.  And then in this interview you learn what he wrote on his (with some language warning) below the break: