The Brett Kimberlin Saga:

Follow this link to my BLOCKBUSTER STORY of how Brett Kimberlin, a convicted terrorist and perjurer, attempted to frame me for a crime, and then got me arrested for blogging when I exposed that misconduct to the world. That sounds like an incredible claim, but I provide primary documents and video evidence proving that he did this. And if you are moved by this story to provide a little help to myself and other victims of Mr. Kimberlin’s intimidation, such as Robert Stacy McCain, you can donate at the PayPal buttons on the right. And I thank everyone who has done so, and will do so.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Danger of Hate Speech Laws... to Islam

One of the things I find to be the most curious about the current confrontation on the subject of free speech is how often people argue that criticism of Islam or Muslims is “hate speech” and thus subject to being banned.  This is often done by Muslims themselves and invariably done by people who believe that Islam itself is protected by the First Amendment (and rightfully so), all while being apparently oblivious, or at least unconcerned about the potential unintended consequences of the precedents they would set.

Now, first, in American law “hate speech” is still protected speech.  For instance, in RAV v. St. Paul, the Supreme Court confronted a cross-burning.  The incident was indeed trespass and arson, as it involved teenagers coming onto the property of a black family and burning a cross.  It was not ordinarily protected speech and the Supreme Court made it clear that if Minnesota wanted to prosecute the defendants for trespass, arson, etc. it would have no problem with that.  Instead Minnesota chose to prosecute them under a local City of St. Paul ordinance that read as follows:

“Whoever places on public or private property a symbol, object, appellation, characterization or graffiti, including, but not limited to, a burning cross or Nazi swastika, which one knows or has reasonable grounds to know arouses anger, alarm or resentment in others on the basis of race, color, creed, religion or gender commits disorderly conduct and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.”

Notice that this language even seems to apply to you burning a cross on your own property.  And in that case the Supreme Court said that even though a law banning trespass generally, or arson on someone else’s property generally would be permissible, when it only singles out certain messages for prohibition, the law fails.  For instance Justice Scalia (himself a devout Catholic) noted that under this law

[o]ne could hold up a sign saying, for example, that all “anti-Catholic bigots” are misbegotten; but not that all “papists” are, for that would insult and provoke violence “on the basis of religion.”  St. Paul has no such authority to license one side of a debate to fight freestyle, while requiring the other to follow Marquis of Queensberry rules.

Which is exactly right.  Suppose that a law made it unlawful to burn all buildings without the consent of its owners except synagogues or made it unlawful to attack any person, except reporters for Mother Jones.  The first example would be clear religious discrimination, and the second would be clear viewpoint discrimination (as Mother Jones is a liberal magazine).

Friday, September 28, 2012

BREAKING: Mona Eltahawy to Debate Aaron Walker? Stay Tuned!

Well, I spent much of today going after Ms. Eltahawy, as I had, here, here and here and I got results!

Aasif Mandvi had debated with me a lot in the last twenty four hours, which I will speak more of in a moment and he wrote this comment:

Which I am not sure is fair to any of the people he directed that toward, but oh well.  Anyway, Mona replied to him as follows:

This would be the first time she even mentioned me in a tweet.  So I saw an opening:

And I admit I didn’t see this response until I was working on this post but she wrote:

And I tried pointing out that we had common ground, after all.

Of course our cases are a little different.  She intentionally broke the law and has since been calling it civil disobedience.  By comparison, I broke no law, but I incurred the wrath of a man, Brett Kimberlin, who was willing to file false charges against me in retaliation for my having exercised my right to free speech.  But I didn’t go into those details, and in any case, there was a break in the dam:

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The New York Metro Transit Authority Capitulates to the Vandals And Votes to Suppress Freedom of Expression (Update "Innocence of Muslims" Director Arrested!)

 Update: See the end of the post for a fresh deep thought from Ms. Eltahawy.

Update (II): And Freedom of Expression is on the retreat on the Federal level, too.  They have arrested Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, allegedly the creator of "The Innocence of Muslims," for potential violation of probation conditions by allegedly using a computer.  This is not to say Nakoula is right to have violated his probation, but again, who are we kidding?  When the DOJ decided to start investigating him, did they have the slightest evidence of criminal conduct?  Unlikely.  Nor does anyone seriously believe that this arrest is really about some violation.  No, it is because of the content of his speech, and it is un-American.

This picture on the right means Obama needs to be thrown out on his ass.  It should not happen in America.

Pardon my language, but sometimes coarseness is justified.  We now resume the original post, as is.


Offending message: This anti-jihad poster is currently in 10 stations across Manhattan after a court victory by conservative commentator Pamela GellerI have been covering, mostly through the lens of Mona Eltahwy’s idiocy (see here and here) the free speech confrontation whipping up in New York’s subway system.  As noted previously, Pamela Geller and the American Freedom Defense Initiative won a court ruling stating that they had the right to place the poster on the right in New York's subway system.

As I have noted, nothing in that language says “all muslims are savages” or “jihadists.”  What it really seems to say is that one should support Israel against their enemies, and that those enemies are savages and jihadists, a reasonable (albeit simplistic) interpretation of the situation and I don’t see how this says anything about any Americans.

So after seeing this organized campaign of violence, the New York Metro Transity Authority voted to... surrender.  Via the New York Times:

M.T.A. Amends Rules After Pro-Israel Ads Draw Controversy


The Metropolitan Transportation Authority approved new guidelines for advertisements on Thursday, prohibiting those that it “reasonably foresees would imminently incite or provoke violence or other immediate breach of the peace.”

The 8-to-0 vote by the authority’s board came three days after pro-Israel ads characterizing Islamist opponents of the Jewish state as being “savage” began appearing in subway stations, setting off vandalism, denunciations of the authority and calls for the ads’ removal.

The authority had initially rejected the ads, citing their “demeaning” language. The group responsible for the ads, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, sued, and in July won a federal court ruling on First Amendment grounds.

“We’ve gotten to a point where we needed to take action today,” Joseph J. Lhota, the authority’s chairman, said at a news conference on Thursday.

The authority said it believed the new guidelines adhered to the court’s ruling and would withstand any potential First Amendment challenge. Under the new policy, the authority will continue to allow so-called viewpoint ads, but each will be required to include a disclaimer noting that the ad does not imply the authority’s endorsement of its views.

This article hasn’t said that the pro-Israel ads will be taken down, but you know it is almost certainly the next shoe to drop.  Pamela Geller spoke against this as, unsurprisingly, occupy types tried to shout her down:

“Have the courage of your convictions,” she said, “even if the judge imposed it.”

The problem is they probably only have the courage of their non-court-imposed convictions.  Of course you suspect that this was just for show.  One suspects that they wanted to come up with any excuse they could to justify the suppression and Ms. Eltahwy and her fellow vandals provided it.  “Ah gee, too bad, we are now going to have to suppress this message we disagree with and never wanted to air in the first place.”  It’s lovely that the city where the United Nations resides will suppress ideas it disagrees with, teaching all of those countries pushing for the criminalization of blasphemy that Americans are not as devoted to free speech as we say we are.

The problem, of course, is that the rule as represented is not constitutional.  Regular readers know that I am somewhat a subject-matter expert of the line between free speech and incitement.  I was before my run-in with convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin and have only sharpened my knowledge since then.  But it was ironically in a post criticizing Obama where I wrote out the whole analysis, when dealing whether the President’s desecration of our flag was protected speech (it was), so let me quote myself at length:

Mona Eltahawy Doubles Down: It Was Civil Disobedience!

Update: Thanks to Ace for the link.  And we have more on this controversy, here.  It has not been a good night for Freedom of Expression.

So in follow up to my post last night (I even got a Twitchalanche!  Cool!), I had some fun today poking at Ms. Eltahawy on twitter, asking her if it is okay to deface a mosque without the owner’s permission, whether one could spray paint the great pyramids and call that speech, even asking kind of rudely:

No answer to that (and of course the answer is "no").  And then eventually I guess she started figuring out that what she did was actually kind of illegal and kind of fascist.  She is using private violence to silence speech she doesn’t like, to harm property that didn’t belong to her.

So she fell back to civil disobedience!

Well, let’s crack open our copy of Dr. King’s letter from a Birmingham Jail, something I always knew well, but has been increasingly relevant in my life.  As I noted before, when Dr. King decided to go to jail in Birmingham, he was faced with a restriction on his freedom of speech.  A local law required him to get a parade ordinance before protesting, which is not itself unjust, but Bull Connor made it clear that there was no way they would be allowed to get such a permit, thus the injustice.  This law was later reinforced with a court order telling them essentially not to break this law.  So Dr. King then peacefully protested racial segregation and was arrested for that speech.  When he wrote his famous letter, he made it clear that one could only disobey an unjust law.

Mona Eltahawy Wonders Why She Was Arrested: Let Me Clue Her In (Updated X2 With More Footage and Her Stupid Tweets)

Offending message: This anti-jihad poster is currently in 10 stations across Manhattan after a court victory by conservative commentator Pamela Geller
So via @Rightcoastgirl I learned of MSNBC and CNN contributor Mona Eltahawy being arrested for, well... let’s talk about that shall we?  It started when Pamela Geller and the American Freedom Defense Initiative won a court battle to put posters like this in the New York subway system (see left):

It says: “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man.  Support Israel.  Defeat Jihad.”  So this was deemed to be bigoted toward all Muslims, even though the language is plainly aimed only at those carrying out “holy war” against Isreal.  I thought it was liberal dogma that most Muslims wanted peace.  What gives?

By the way, you can read the court decision that cleared the way for it, here:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Morsi’s Self-Adjustment

Via Twitchy we get to see Egypt’s President Muhammad Morsi, um... adjust himself.

I don’t know why people are upset.  Clearly he had a panic attack and wanted to make sure he wasn’t actually Jewish after all!

Seriously, what can you do but laugh at a scumbag like this? 

Sexy Little Geisha? Really?

We’re going to change up the programming a little around here, and try to put out more posts on more topics, and try not to write War and Peace over everything.  And yes, less Kimberlin.  The case will go on (indeed interesting developments tonight), and I will try to get you updates as they occur.  The disclaimers at the end of each post ain’t gonna change.  But we are almost a month away from the election and other things are going on and I want to talk about them.  So there.

Which is not to say I won’t write some of the big long thoughtful posts.  I hope some of you like that.  But I’m going to mix things up a little.

So this crossed my Twitter feed last night.  Apparently Victoria’s secret came up with a “Sexy Little Geisha” teddy for women to wear.  It’s been pulled due to controversy, but here it is for informational purposes (and not Rule 5 purposes! Heavens no!):

Yes, it comes with a matching fan and hair chopsticks.

God Bless Virginia

At my Scribd feed you can read something that came on the mail today: my voter registration card and an accompanying pamphlet describing the new voter ID rules.  As regular readers know, I am a big supporter of voter ID, but even I had to chuckle at the list of items allowed as acceptable ID.  Here’s the embed of the pamphlet:

Friday, September 21, 2012

Kimberlin Ally Brooks Bayne Goes Into Holocaust Denial Mode (Update: More Brooks Hypocrisy!)

Update (III): How did I miss this?  Brooks Bayne attacks Sandra Fluke because her boyfriend is a Jewish socialist.  And of course Jewish socialists are a menace to society.  Hey, and did he mention he was Jewish?  And a socialist?

Hey I dislike socialists as much as the next person, but I don’t particularly care if they are Jewish or not.  But apparently for Brooks being a Jewish socialist makes things much, much worse.

And for that matter how much information does it tell you that her boyfriend is anything?  I had no idea what my wife’s politics were before I married her.  I am pleasantly surprised they are close to mine.  And I know of one prominent conservative who told me that his/her spouse was very liberal when they married.  Normal people don’t determine who they love by their politics.

Which is not a defense of Fluke.  I have my own problems with her.  But fair is fair even to Fluke.

Update (IV): Brooks needs to learn that the first rule of holes is to stop digging:

Also for some reason he has taken to calling Seth Allen, um... you have to see it to believe it.

Oh, but don’t worry if you have started to think Brooks is anti-Semitic.  See, some of his best family members are Jewish!

Glad he cleared that up.  Please note I also added the image of Butters from South Park, above, inspired by Film Ladd. We now resume the original post, as is. 


This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that Kimberlin has been harassing me since last December, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

So earlier on I demonstrated how supposed conservative Brooks Bayne had taken Brett Kimberlin’s side to the point of absurdly claiming (among other things) that Brett Kimberlin was not responsible for the court orders he himself requested.  Yes, really.

Since then I mainly blocked him, but every now and then I peeked in to see what he was saying in case it was useful in some way.  And apparently it is.  Get the popcorn folks, because this is going to be fun.

This is all a discussion with @prepostericity, which is the official twitter account of Seth Allen, the guy I briefly provided out-of-court legal representation to, and started me down the path to confrontation with Brett Kimberlin.  Seth has protected his tweets so I can’t see what he was saying to brooks, but we can see Brooks’ half of this argument and apparently he has gone into full holocaust denial mode.  You have to piece it together, but it is there.

The first tweet to raise my eyebrow was this:

A Zionist deal with Hitler?  I never heard of such a thing, although I admit my knowledge of World War II history is not such that I would automatically know of such a thing existed.  But a little Googling starts to reveal what this is, supposedly (and it makes me doubt there is any truth to it at all).  Now I will warn you that these sources are Holocaust-denying and likely anti-Semitic (the two tend to go hand-in-hand), but I think it is important to shine a light on this stuff.  First you have this old news broadcast making the rounds on various sites.

Friday Frivolity: The Endless Cartoon

This will be short and sweet, but you should really check out the internet cartoon “Click and Drag.”  The trick, as suggested by the title, is to click on the last panel and drag it to see more...  And then do it again.  And again.  It even works on my iPhone, so presumably it will work on your iPad, too.  Can’t speak to other devices but if nothing happens on yours, use a windows based computer and mouse and see what happens.

I think I scrolled something like 20 times before I finally said, “okay, life is too short.”

Yeah, its gimmicky, but something in me says that when you put that kind of obscene level of work into something, you deserve recognition.  So there you go.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The “Obama Flag” and the President’s Stunning Hypocrisy on Freedom of Expression

So overnight, we learned that the Obama campaign has come up with a redesigned U.S. Flag.  Here it is:

This led to some of the expected denouncements.  This was example #362 of the creepy cult of Obama, for instance, documented decently here.  For instance, even before he won the nomination in 2008, we had this embarrassing piece by Lili Hayden, called Why Obama is Like a Desert Lover, demonstrating that her love life is way too intertwined with her politics:

Barack Obama is inspiring us like a desert lover, a Washington Valentino. We who have felt apathetic, angry at two (likely) stolen elections, K-Street hegemony, the “pornography of the trivial”* in journalism and culture; we who are heartbroken over a war we knew was wrong, we who thought (especially after Baby Bush got in a 2nd time) that America got what it asked for; we who stopped wanting to participate ‘cause it doesn’t matter whether we do or don’t; we have a crush. We’re talking about it; we’re getting involved, we’re tuning in and turning out in numbers we haven’t seen in ages. My musician friends and I are writing songs to inspire people and couples all over America are making love again and shouting “yes we can” as they climax!

Dear reader, I wish that was parody.  As I wish this was, too:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Patrick Read’s Prejudice in Favor of Brett Kimberlin

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that Kimberlin has been harassing me since last December, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

Patrick Read has been a figure in this whole Kimberlin/Rauhauser scandal, a champion of “Twittergate” which, as best as I can tell, involved Rauhauser and his buddies (and likely some of his sockpuppets) saying bad things about people on the internet.  Reprehensible, yes, but no one has explained to me so far why this is supposed to be compelling.

And of course he is a member of Brooks Bayne’s website, the Trenches.  Besides the drubbing I gave Brooks earlier for his shallow and dishonest defense of Brett Kimberlin, he has recently been seen mocking Patrick “Patterico” Frey for having been SWATted (calling him “swatterico”) and cheering the incorrect reports that Brett Kimberlin had won last Friday (see here for more accurate reporting).  And having seen this conduct, Read continues to associate himself with him.

But really all you need to know about Patrick Read can be contained in this stunning broadcast on Lee Stranahan’s Blog Talk Radio show:

Friday, September 14, 2012

We Have Been Downgraded, Again

America is coming close to a precipice here, folks.  From the AP:

NEW YORK (AP) — Egan-Jones, an independent credit-research firm, downgraded its rating on U.S. government debt to AA- from AA on Friday, citing the Federal Reserve's plans to try to stimulate the economy.

The credit rating agency said the Fed's plans to buy mortgage bonds will likely hurt the economy more than help it.

The plan will weaken the value of the dollar and push up prices for oil and other commodities, Egan-Jones said. That would leave less for consumers to spend on other things.

But at the same time, Egan-Jones warned that the federal government's borrowing costs are likely to slowly rise as the global economy recovers.

On Thursday, the Fed said it would buy $40 billion of mortgage bonds a month to help the economic recovery.

It's the second time the Haverford, Pa. shop has downgraded U.S. government debt in five months. In April, Egan-Jones lowered its rating on the U.S. to AA from AA+. It stripped the U.S. of a top AAA rating in July 2011.

This is about America’s ability to handle its debts and Bernake’s recent announcement that he planned to stimulate the economy by printing money.  This means Bernake planned to make each and every person in America poorer in terms of purchasing power, and it also meant that every person holding American debt would find the value of that debt reduced.  This is not how you pay down the debt; you pay it down by raising revenues and paying it.  I’ll skip the debate on how to raise revenues for now.

This falls at the feet of President Obama, or as I like to call him, President Downgrade—a title he has earned again today.  Obama will surely point to the fact that Bush Jr. first appointed Bernake, but Obama renominated him and by all means if people want to argue we shouldn’t vote for anyone who appointed Bernake, I’m all for it.

Someone joked the other day that its not a matter of if this nation can survive four more years of Obama’s policies, but four more days.  That joke is far less funny today.

We have been drunk on debt for the last few years, but the barkeep is finally calling the tab.  If we don’t change direction, this won’t end well.

Sorry to bum you out on a Friday.  I for one was having a pretty darn good day up until now.

Friday Frivolity: Spielberg’s Lincoln

Okay, less frivolous than usual, but I want to talk about it, so there.  When I heard there was going to be a movie about Lincoln by Spielberg, I got hopeful.  Spielberg was the kind of guy who could move movie mountains, who could get a studio to waste a ton of money on a likely financial loser in the name of art, and give us a high quality historic epic...

...assuming he didn’t miss the point.  Which is a real problem with him.  The history geek in me absolutely loves the opening scene in Saving Private Ryan for its startlingly realistic depiction of D-Day, warts and all.

And part of me hated the movie’s “Vietnamization” of the war.  I once heard Spielberg say that he believed that all great war movies are anti-war movies.  Well, of course every person should be reluctant to fight a war; the default position, the presumption for every civilized person should be to prefer peace to war unless a moral justification for the war is presented.  And if that is all he means—that a great war movie should make us hesitant to go to war—that is fine.

Convicted Terrorist and Perjurer Brett Kimberlin to Plead the Fifth?

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that Kimberlin has been harassing me since last December, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

That’s one of the headlines in the latest installment of Mr. Hoge’s document dump (see here, here and here) from my Virginia case, this time sharing Kimberlin’s motion for a continuance.  And specifically you might review the questions he doesn’t want to answer under oath, here.

Or you just might watch this video by way of explanation:

I can’t write more both due to my attorneys’ request that I hold my tongue and the lateness of the hour, but I will gently remind you that if you want to hold Mr. Kimberlin accountable for his behavior, please give to the Blogger’s Defense Team.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Random Twitter Thoughts

Every now and then IMAO runs an item called Random Thoughts, those thoughts always just happening to be about 140 characters long...  In other words, he was jotting down his random tweets.  And I said what the heck.  I contribute a lot of jokes, snark and commentary on twitter and if you don’t like to be on twitter, maybe you would like to at least read what I wrote, and a few choice tweets from others.

Now Frank J. Flemmming’s tweets are mainly funny.  I am probably less funny to others than I am to myself, so I will use really unscientific methods like retweets to measure if something is worth sharing.  So here goes:

Talking Back:

One of the fun things in twitter is the ability to talk back to the famous.

First, I felt the need to respond to Rick Klein declaring that Clinton’s speech was a living, breathing organism:

And I do enjoy bludgeoning people with a certain chart:

DWStweets is Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, by the way.

If You Are Wondering Why Brett Kimberlin is Refusing to Comply With Discovery...

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that Kimberlin has been harassing me since last December, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

Well, I mean besides the obvious, now you can read the explanation he gave to my attorney by email, two days before discovery was due and you can see how my attorney gave Kimberlin every opportunity to do right or at least offer a better excuse than “Idon’twanna.”

Yep, Mr. Hoge’s work is officially now an ongoing series, having dropped the motion to compel itself on Monday, the discovery requests on Tuesday and now this email exchange on Wednesday.  Now the question is... does he have more?  His post suggests he does.

There are other gems in the thing but as I told you yesterday and the day before, I am being asked to be close-lipped for now, and so I will be.  But we still have a hearing Friday, so… stay tuned.

But I will reiterate once again that if you want to hold Kimberlin and his crew accountable—or just want a cool keepsake—I would appreciate your participation in the Day-by-Day Auction/Raffle.  And I thank all of you good people who have or will support my quest for justice.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Breitbart Unmasked’s Bigotry, Unmasked

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that Kimberlin has been harassing me since last December, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

For some time, the website and Twitter account Breitbart Unmasked (or Breitbart Unmask) has been part of the stalking campaign against my friends and I led by convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin.  Ostensibly set up to reveal all the supposed evil of Andrew Breitbart, it has dedicated itself almost exclusively to...  attacking Brett Kimberlin’s targets and serving as his press office as I noted in this post.  We have jokingly taken to calling this identity Not Brett Kimberlin due to his denials that he is Brett Kimberlin.

And as per my usual policy, I won’t be linking to his website.  If you decide to go to this site on your own, I suggest you use an anonymizer to do it, like this.

But it is worth taking a moment to examine the motives of this person.  And apparently a very prominent motive is, absurdly, anti-Semitism.

If You Wanted to Know What Questions Kimberlin Was Refusing to Answer...

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that Kimberlin has been harassing me since last December, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

As regular readers of this blog know, I have sued convicted terrorist and perjurer Brett Kimberlin (and his co-conspirators) for has scattered wrongdoing (which I outline here) and Kimberlin has thus far refused to comply with discovery.  As in, it was due almost exactly a month ago, something I discussed, here.

Again, I am still limiting my discussion of the case in the short term for strategic reasons but you know how Mr. Hoge yesterday released the motion to compel filed in my Virginia case?  You might have noticed that there were a number of exhibits referred to but not seen in Mr. Hoge’s scribd document.

Well, today Mr. Hoge has released some of those exhibits including the very requests for discovery that Brett Kimberlin is refusing to comply with.  And bear in mind, Kimberlin is refusing to comply with them wholesale, not merely objecting to any particular part.

So you might review what I have written on the subject, here.  And with that in mind, you might then also read what Mr. Hoge has written and the documents he has attached, here.

If you want to make sure he answers these questions, or just want to get a cool keepsake, you might consider contributing to the Blogger's Defense Team Auction and Raffle, here.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

If You Wanted to Read the Motion to Compel Brett Kimberlin to Comply With Discovery…

Well, courtesy of Mr. Hoge’s blog, you can.  I have previously discussed that motion, here.  I have been asked for now to limit discussion of the case, and so I will.  So, I will simply say that Mr. Backer and company have shown excellent professionalism in their presentation and I feel well-represented.

And in a programming note, as of today we will be having a hearing on this motion this Friday morning.  There has been an attempt to continue proceedings, but I have no indication that the judge has ruled one way or the other on it.

If you choose to come, you are welcome to watch.  One note: no electronics with built in cameras are allowed in the courthouse.  So, yeah, no iPads.  Heh.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Blogger’s Defense Team Auction/Raffle Has Been Extended Until Friday

I told you nearly a week ago about the Blogger’s Defense Team’s (BDT’s) auction and raffle of three original prints by Chris Muir.  To remind you, it is entitled “Last Supper (America) Red v. Blue” and this is what it looks like:

Last Supper by Chris Muir

Only with a bonus: signatures!  Many of the Titans of Blogging (though certainly not all of them), have signed it.  From the BDT website:

Each 11" x 19" print has been signed by the following giants of the Blogosphere: Michelle Malkin, Glenn and Helen Reynolds (Instapundit and Dr.Helen), Bill Whittle (Afterburner), Jeff Goldstein (Protein Wisdom), Ed Morrissey (Hot Air), Robert Stacy McCain (The Other McCain), and Mandy Nagy (Liberty Chick). The Blogger's Defense Team and Aaron Walker wishes to thank Muir and each of these bloggers for this donation.

Well, due to popular demand, the auction has been extended to Friday.  So if you haven't donated yet, you still have time!

I will reiterate again how thankful I am to Muir and all of these kind people who literally created value out of canvas, all because they think my fight is important to preserving the right of free expression.  One common theme in my life is that Freedom of Expression is not simply about avoiding government suppression, but all things that might prevent a person from freely expressing yourself.  It is good when we don’t have laws preventing a person from speaking freely, but how free will our debate be if people fear private violence, being framed for a crime, being fired from their jobs (when those jobs are not in the media themselves), and being subject to frivolous suits and restraining orders if you dare cross the wrong people.

The question really being asked right now is how we are going to settle our debates.  A friend of mine once said, in paraphrase, “Brett Kimberlin is about to learn that what he has done is a very good idea, or a very bad one.”  Well, more than that everyone else is about to learn whether his tactics are a good idea or a very bad one.  If Kimberlin gets away with it, you can expect this tactic to be emulated, both on the left and the right.  Our politics will descend into a very ugly place, where our debates are not settled by facts, or logic, but by who can play the nastiest.  The goal of the Blogger’s Defense Team is to show Kimberlin and every person tempted to follow in his footsteps that these kinds of vile and even criminal tactics are a very, very bad idea.

In this way, this legal defense fund is very much like Thurgood Marshall’s NAACP “Ink Fund.”  Of course they differ in specific causes—Marshall arrayed this legal defense fund to fight racial segregation, while Backer’s Blogger’s Defense Team is organized to vindicate Freedom of Expression—but in both cases we are seeking justice in the truest sense of the word, in a cause that will benefit provide benefits not only the immediate plaintiffs, but to large portions of the American people.  So I ask respectfully that you consider donating in order to protect freedom of expression, here.

Or maybe you just want a really cool print with some nice signatures on it.

Just hopefully it won’t go to their heads...

(Always be happy warriors, people.)

Friday, September 7, 2012

BREAKING: Kimberlin Associate Liberal Grouch Tries to Threaten Patterico’s Job

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that Kimberlin has been harassing me since last December, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

Ever since I called the Liberal Grouch (LG) on his vile conduct (see here, here and here) he has been doing his level best to perform brass-knuckle reputation management, beating his chest, claiming somehow that accurately quoting him and then expressing the opinion that his words amount to a threat, is libel.  And now he is trying to threaten the employment of Patrick “Patterico” Frey for supposedly lying about him.  More Kimberlin-style thuggery from one of his associates.

But I have long made a sardonic observation about my life: I have been blessed with stupid adversaries.

You see what LG is complaining about is not only not libelous, but LG has actually said it was not libel.

But let me back up for a moment and fill in some of the holes.  First, yesterday I wrote that LG had threatened Lee Stranahan with rape and that I suspected that this was why Lee was abandoning his home in Texas.  He does have an infant son, after all.  When he whined about my piece, I added the following update to my post:

Tune in Tonight to the Tun Tavern Patriots

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that Kimberlin has been harassing me since last December, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

Tonight at 7 p.m. CST (which I believe will be 8 p.m. Eastern), the Tun Tavern Patriots will have me on to talk the Blogger’s Defense Team.  One of the topics of the discussion will more than likely be the Blogger’s DefenseTeam Raffle and Auction, which is still going on.  You can read about it and donate, here.  And I thank everyone who has and everyone who will.

You can find information on how to tune in, here.

And otherwise, it is a target-rich environment for topics.  The latest Kimberlin struggles?  Lee fleeing his house?  Other stuff?  I honestly don’t know, so how about all of us tune in and listen?

And bring the popcorn.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Breaking: Federal Case Reopened

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that Kimberlin has been harassing me since last December, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

Presented without comment:

And expect the Blogger’s Defense Team Website to have a comment on it soon.

BREAKING: Lee Stranahan Flees His Home

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that Kimberlin has been harassing me since last December, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

Update (IV): Thanks to twitchy for the link!  They have much more on this story.

Update: This tweet seems to verify my theory as to the cause:

More as it develops.

You might remember a few months ago that Robert Stacy McCain felt the need to flee his home in the face of Brett Kimberlin’s intimidation tactics.  Well, now Lee Stranahan has fled his home too.

I have called and tweeted to him seeking a definitive statement about the cause.  I will let you know if there is any definitive answer, but he would seem to be alluding to the recent threats of rape to himself and his wife by Occupyrebellion who is definitely a member of Team Kimberlin and the Liberal Grouch (see here and here). (Update: read where Patrick quotes LG's language and see if that sounds like a threat to you) 

And of course he has been viciously attacked by Brooks Bayne’s crew for months.

In any case, while of course I do want you to donate to my Blogger’s Defense Team auction/raffle, I am honor-bound to promote Lee’s plea for a little financial help.

And remember folks, this is a sign we are winning.  They would not resort to these kinds of tactics if they thought they were winning.  This kind of lashing out is a sign of their ultimate impotence.

Update (II): Once again, Liberal Grouch doesn’t like being called on his own language.  Here’s what I considered a rape threat:

But maybe it would be nice for a pro-rape asshole such as yourself to understand the fear a woman faces at the concept of rape.

How many men do you figure it would take to hold you down, Stranny.

I bet one could do it.

As I wrote the other day when Occupyrebellion was making threats against Lee:

Threats don’t have to be “I plan to do X to you” or “do this or I will do X.”  For instance, in Virginia v. Black, the Supreme Court held that merely burning a cross on another person’s yard can be interpreted as a threat, given the historical meaning of the act.  Twelve people of common sense can recognize that even if the magic words are not said, some words are intended as a threat.  In other words, the law is not an idiot.

I think certainly speculating about how easy it would be to rape a person qualifies as a threat.  That’s my opinion, my conclusion based on the facts which I cited.  And just because there is cause to think LG himself can't carry it out, doesn't make it less of a threat. It just suggests he would have to recruit someone else to do it. And indeed Lee was concerned enough about this and other threatening conduct to abandon his home.

The fact is the Liberal Grouch and Occupyrebellion have slipped up.  It is never wise to threaten another or to talk of harming another, even if you don’t mean it.  Seth Allen learned this the hard way back in 2011 (he didn’t technically threaten, but he ruminated about harming Kimberlin), and now they are about to learn this as well.  How long will Occupyrebellion remain anonymous now?

Tick, tick, tick, as Mr. Hoge is wont to say.

Update (III): I meant to say this in the post, but I will add it now.  I spoke to Lee the other day about their claim that he was somehow “pro-rape.”  I knew him and his accusers well enough to assume it was not true, but I had no idea how Orwellian the charge was.  According to Lee, Occupyrebellion started accusing him of supporting rape when Lee was responding to the Akin “legitimate rape” controversy.  By Lee’s telling all he did was point out how common actual rape is in the Occupy protests.  So by his telling, he was not only not making a pro-rape comment, he was making an anti-rape comment (showing more concern for the real thing than someone's words about it), and their dissembling about the Occurape problem at best downplays a serious problem.  Which is not the same as bring pro-rape on their part, but it is certainly not taking the issue as seriously as it deserves to be.  Rape, as with any violence, should be a non-partisan issue.

Brooks Bayne Joins Team Kimberlin

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that Kimberlin has been harassing me since last December, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

So for a while now Brooks Bayne has gone after some of my friends on the internet (for instance calling Patrick "Patterico" Frey "Swatterico" and cackling laughter at the crime committed against him) and I hoped to ignore his asinine tendencies (even as Twitchy called him out for his support of Palestinian terrorists).  My focus was on Kimberlin.  He seemed like a distraction.

But he has recently revealed that what he really is, is either on Team Kimberlin, or being manipulated by the same to the point that he is effectively on their team.  Let me give you a few examples.  On August 30, Breitbart Unmasked (which we believe is written by Brett Kimberlin and in any case serves as his mouthpiece), wrote a post stating that the federal case had been dismissed.  I wrote the whole truth about what happened, here.  And what a coincidence, that very same morning Brooks comes at me mocking that it had been dismissed, writing as follows:

Notice it wasn’t asking a question, it was making an accusation.  I tried to straighten him out as follows:

And I gave him life advice:

And in this “Brettbart Unmasked” is my joking name for Breitbart Unmasked:

But he still thought this was the most important thing ever:

Oh but my explanation is not good enough:

And this:

So somehow I have to have documentation of what the judge's chambers said.  Really.  And he passed on another piece of disinformation from Brett Kimberlin:

What he is referring to is Ali Akbar.  Mr. Akbar does have a criminal history, and there have been some harsh criticisms of him.  From my point of view, the man had my back.  He has given me financial relief at a time in which Kimberlin has tried to financially ruin me.  And I will tell you something else.  When I was concerned I might be arrested again due to Kimberlin filing even more false charges against me, he was ready to provide bail if needed.  He even offered to keep an eye on my wife if I was in jail overnight, so she wouldn’t be alone in that situation.  Later she made arrangements with a woman instead because frankly women would rather stay with women, obviously, but he made the offer.

And Brooks wants me to throw this man under the bus, out of some sense of honor?  I don’t know, his concept of honor seems pretty dishonorable to me.

And in any case, and this is key, Ali is not affiliated with the Blogger’s Defense Team.  He has absolutely no part of it at all so even if you believe the absolute worst about Ali (and I know some nice people who do), you can give to the Blogger’s Defense Team with no concern at all.

Then a few days later, Brooks, coincidentally, passes on another talking point from Team Kimberlin:

This is another falsehood Kimberlin has repeated over and over, indeed it is a compound falsehood.  First I lost my job because they were afraid of Kimberlin not because they felt I ran a bigoted blog.  Second, the site, Everyone Draw Mohammed, was not anti-Muslim.  It was not even anti-Islam (although an anti-islam site is not anti-muslim).  As I said repeatedly it was part of a pro-free-speech, anti-terrorism protest.  Here’s what I wrote about it recently:

As regular readers know I participated in the Everyone Draw Mohammed movement.  The idea behind it was very simple: the terrorists said that they would kill everyone who drew Mohammed; therefore we figured we would all draw Mohammed.  “After all,” we reasoned, “they can’t kill us all.”  We hoped on one hand that the terrorists would recognize that they couldn’t really kill everyone who drew their prophet and stop issuing those threats.  And we hoped that the media would recognize their impotence and stop being afraid to depict Mohammed.

On the first metric, demonstrating the impotence of the terrorists, it was a smashing success.  On the second, demonstrating the impotence of the terrorists to the terrorists, I think it was an equal success.  Oh, they still thump their chests, but I don’t think they are making any serious effort to kill any of the artists, including the really prominent ones like the creators of South Park.  But then again, Comedy Central is still apparently afraid of letting South Park actually depict Mohammed, so we have not achieved victory on that third metric.

So this was defamation, straight out of Kimberlin’s mouth and onto Brooks’ twitter feed.

And then we finally get to Brooks becoming a full on SWATting Truther.  First he tries to deny I was SWATted at all:

Got that?  I wasn’t SWATted badly enough for Brooks’ taste, as I pointed out (yes, with a small typo):

He goes on into full SWATter Truther mode:

Yeah, pardon my bad language but I kind of took it personally.  Go figure.

And indeed I had pointed out that Mike's SWATting seemed the worst in terms of effects (Erick Erickson's seemed the worst in terms of intent).  When I was on Lee Stranahan’s show for instance, I wondered how rough it must have been on Mike in particular.  I mean when it happened to Patrick, he knew what happened to Mike so he kind of understood what was happening.  Mike more than likely had no idea.  And both of us could produce our wives to prove that the whole call was a hoax.  Mike had no wife, so how the hell does he prove himself innocent of murdering a wife he doesn’t have?  So I have always made it clear that what I went through was much milder, often praising how the Prince William County Police handled this in a much calmer fashion.  But then again, I also had the chance to warn them.

But that wasn’t good enough for the SWATting Truther Brooks:

And of course to really prove I am wrong about him being a jerk… by threatening me with silly internet bravado:

And then this guy, who claims to dislike gay people writes this:

And the SWATting Truth is out there:

On reflection I should probably refine that definition further as a false report of a serious criminal situation in order to provoke a strong police response, usually by impersonation.  Not sure that would have fit in a tweet, but there you go.

So next Brooks claims that it isn’t SWATting unless a SWAT team actually comes out.  And you can see me poke a pretty big hole in that theory pretty quickly:

And by the way, that was an Occupyrebellion talking point: we weren’t SWATted because technically a SWAT team didn’t come out.  Funny how he echoes that.

So then he comes up with a new definition.  Yes, you can literally see him trying to come up with a definition that covers Mike but not me.  Isn't that delightfully ad hoc?

And then he declares that this means that only Mike has been a victim of this crime, forgetting about a certain person:

But then after all that, Brooks reveals that he hadn’t done the slightest bit of research on the subject:

And indeed, it is present at this blog, right here.  Admittedly it doesn’t tell you much, but there you go.

And as if that is not bad enough, he then asks about how the police responded.  So apparently he hadn’t even read my post on the SWATting itself:

And that post, for your reference, is here.

And if all that wasn’t clueless enough, he then wrote this:

That’s right, after glomming onto the Kimberlin story for over four months he had no idea what Kimberlin had done to me.  Not even in a thumbnail sense.

And of course he went on to thoroughly disprove my claim that he was a d*ck:

And perhaps I signed off for a while in a less than polite fashion:

Meanwhile we have Mike Stack, aka Crying Wolfe Blog.  I don’t talk about it much because it is somewhat of a distraction, but Mike has disclosed to me he is bi-polar, i.e. manic-depressive.  I suppose he has reached his manic stage because he decided to make a claim that is outright false:

I later verified he was talking about my SWATting call, and what he was conveying was an absolute falsehood.  I have never heard the SWATting call.  You literally know as much about it as I do, that I asked the police if someone said that I shot my wife, and they said yes, and there is literally a lot of room for significant differences.

So... either Mike was lying, or he was being lied to.  But he was insisting it was the gospel truth.

Then later in the evening Brooks removed any doubt that he was down with Kimberlin’s conduct, when he wrote:

The mask comes off at last.  First there is the fact that he doesn’t seem the least bit bothered by the judge’s ruling.  As I point out in response, you would think that Brooks wouldn’t want to see schmucky behavior on the internet criminalized, if only out of self-interest.

But even worse than that, he absolves Kimberlin of all responsibility for what the judge did.  While I do fault Vaughey for his poor decision, and I fault the commissioner for issuing an arrest warrant based on the word of a perjurer, let’s not forget that but for Kimberlin’s conduct—especially in the form of lying to the court—no peace order and no arrest warrant would have been issued.

But Brooks, pretending to be a conservative, writes this:

And here:

And over and over again I point out that he is absolving Kimberlin of responsibility, and he pretends he is justified in doing so.

Now, with that feeble defense of Kimberlin, he has fully outted himself as a dishonest broker, bizarrely enough a defender of Brett Kimberlin.  And if he is not consciously a part of Team Kimberlin, then he is an even bigger fool.  And nothing he writes or has written should be trusted without independent verification.


My wife and I have lost our jobs due to the harassment of convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin, including an attempt to get us killed and to frame me for a crime carrying a sentence of up to ten years.  I know that claim sounds fantastic, but if you read starting here, you will see absolute proof of these claims using documentary and video evidence.  If you would like to help in the fight to hold Mr. Kimberlin accountable, please hit the Blogger’s Defense Team button on the right.  And thank you.

Follow me at Twitter @aaronworthing, mostly for snark and site updates.  And you can purchase my book (or borrow it for free if you have Amazon Prime), Archangel: A Novel of Alternate, Recent History here.  And you can read a little more about my novel, here.



I have accused some people, particularly Brett Kimberlin, of reprehensible conduct.  In some cases, the conduct is even criminal.  In all cases, the only justice I want is through the appropriate legal process—such as the criminal justice system.  I do not want to see vigilante violence against any person or any threat of such violence.  This kind of conduct is not only morally wrong, but it is counter-productive.

In the particular case of Brett Kimberlin, I do not want you to even contact him.  Do not call him.  Do not write him a letter.  Do not write him an email.  Do not text-message him.  Do not engage in any kind of directed communication.  I say this in part because under Maryland law, that can quickly become harassment and I don’t want that to happen to him.

And for that matter, don’t go on his property.  Don’t sneak around and try to photograph him.  Frankly try not to even be within his field of vision.  Your behavior could quickly cross the line into harassment in that way too (not to mention trespass and other concerns).

And do not contact his organizations, either.  And most of all, leave his family alone.

The only exception to all that is that if you are reporting on this, there is of course nothing wrong with contacting him for things like his official response to any stories you might report.  And even then if he tells you to stop contacting him, obey that request.  That this is a key element in making out a harassment claim under Maryland law—that a person asks you to stop and you refuse.

And let me say something else.  In my heart of hearts, I don’t believe that any person supporting me has done any of the above.  But if any of you have, stop it, and if you haven’t don’t start.