The Brett Kimberlin Saga:

Follow this link to my BLOCKBUSTER STORY of how Brett Kimberlin, a convicted terrorist and perjurer, attempted to frame me for a crime, and then got me arrested for blogging when I exposed that misconduct to the world. That sounds like an incredible claim, but I provide primary documents and video evidence proving that he did this. And if you are moved by this story to provide a little help to myself and other victims of Mr. Kimberlin’s intimidation, such as Robert Stacy McCain, you can donate at the PayPal buttons on the right. And I thank everyone who has done so, and will do so.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Aliens Cause Islamofacist Terrorism: Mueller and Stewart Use False Science to Argue for Surrender in the War on Terror

A long time ago, the late Michael Crichton gave a speech called “Aliens Cause Global Warming.”  He started off his speech by saying:

My topic today sounds humorous but unfortunately I am serious. I am going to argue that extraterrestrials lie behind global warming. Or to speak more precisely, I will argue that a belief in extraterrestrials has paved the way, in a progression of steps, to a belief in global warming.

Likewise my title sounds equally humorous but I am working around to a serious point.  And yeah, strap yourself in because this will be a long one.

If you want to know why the libertarian movement* has trouble getting traction when our spending has never been more out of control, as is our debt, you need look no further than today’s piece by John Mueller and Mark Stewart which first drew my attention via twitter:

If you follow the link, you come to an article entitled: “Putting Al Qaeda in perspective:

What this amounts to is the idea that, hey, al Qaeda is not such a big deal!  What’s a few thousand dead American civilians?  It is more efficient to just let them kill people now and then, then to actually fight them?

You think I am being unfair?  Well, I won’t exactly fisk it, but let’s pull out some quotes (and by all means, feel free to read it for yourselves and decide if this is a reasonable summation):

Thursday, August 30, 2012

If You Are Hearing that my Federal Suit Has Been Dismissed...

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that Kimberlin has been harassing me since last December, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

Well, last night I found out that the Brett Kimberlin media organ known as Breitbart Unmasked put up a post stating that the federal suit had been dismissed.  As with anything coming from Team Kimberlin, this is dishonest.

What happened is this.  The federal suit was originally filed as a parallel action while we were trying to get the flagrantly unconstitutional ruling by Judge Vaughey stayed in state court.  So the federal suit included a motion for a preliminary injunction preventing enforcement of the peace order.

When my Maryland circuit court motion for a stay was granted by (state) Judge Rupp, (federal) Judge Mott found out very quickly by some means and he or one of his clerks called one of my attorneys asking whether the motion for an injunction should be withdrawn.  My attorneys agreed that the motion for an injunction should be withdrawn, as indeed it should have been.

And then someone in the judge’s chambers made a mistake.  I was told the judge did this, but I suspect the judge is magnanimously taking responsibility for one of his staff.  But one way or the other they accidentally ordered the entire case dismissed, instead of just the motion for preliminary injunction.

Judges, and their staffs, are humans and not computers.  They make human mistakes, but they also know they make human mistakes.  They are not automatons who will follow this error blindly.  Instead the case will be reopened as a matter of course.  In short, it is a non-event that has absolutely no bearing on the outcome of the case.

Now, there are two reasonable questions to ask.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Democratic Party Wasn’t Ready for a Black President

There is something that has been tossing around in my head for now almost four years.  I think it crystalized tonight when I saw that liberals had created a hashtag on Twitter: #Negrospotting.

Words cannot express how infuriated I was (although I tried).

For those less embedded in the Twitter world, a hashtag is a way of marking a subject and aggregating comments on that subject.  So apparently liberals thought it would be funny to spot how many black people were in the audience at the Republican National Convention.  I tried to put my anger into words on twitter:

And of course Michelle Malkin, who has had more than a little experience with liberal racism, had her own thoughts.

And I liked Stevie J. West’s commentary too.

(Sometimes hashtags are also used as a way of making a side comment, often sarcastically, which is what she did when she said “#BecauseActualRacism”)

And there is more coverage of this vileness over at Twitchy.  But then I wrote out something that might seem like a non sequitur to most of you:

Well, twitter only allows 140 characters, so I will explain what I mean by that.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Brett Kimberlin Ally Occupyrebellion Threatens Lee Stranahan’s Wife With Rape

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  The short version is that Kimberlin has been harassing me since last December, his worst conduct being when he attempted to frame me for a crime.  I recognize that this might sound like an incredible claim, but I provide video and documentary evidence of that fact; in other words, you don’t have to believe my word.  You only have to believe your eyes.  So, if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

Words cannot capture how disgusting this is:

I generally don’t throw additional attention toward this bucketful of crazy, but this is beyond the pale.  Indeed, in my opinion, it crosses the line into criminal conduct.  In my opinion, it is actually a threat.  Threats don’t have to be “I plan to do X to you” or “do this or I will do X.”  For instance, in Virginia v. Black, the Supreme Court held that merely burning a cross on another person’s yard can be interpreted as a threat, given the historical meaning of the act.  Twelve people of common sense can recognize that even if the magic words are not said, some words are intended as a threat.  In other words, the law is not an idiot.  And in my mind, this counts.

And if you agree that this is a threat, then this means Occupyrebellion could be in a world of hurt tonight.  For instance, here’s what the federal criminal law, 18 U.S.C. §875(c) says:

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Exclusive: Convicted Terrorist and Serial Litigant Brett Kimberlin Doesn’t Want to Play With John Norton Any More

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  So if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

So today I took a field trip to Maryland and obtained copies of Brett Kimberlin’s attempt to dismiss the appeal of John Norton’s peace order.  Contrary to my originally erroneous reporting (since corrected), this appeal was filed by Norton of the peace order against him.  Kimberlin, for his part, apparently doesn’t want a peace order against Norton any more.  The main ground for this request is that the Kimberlin contends that the case is moot.

Mootness is a doctrine in law that refers to when a case was no longer relevant.  For instance imagine a woman is in a coma and on life support.  Some members of the family believe that the woman should have her life support removed; others believe that she should be kept on life support.  So the family members seek injunctions in court to enforce their views.  If the woman then suddenly died, the case would be moot and it would be typically dismissed for those reasons (and voluntarily by both parties).

Now on the surface that would seem to apply here.  The order expired on August 1, and thus would have expired nearly a month ago.  But John Norton might still be suffering the effects of that Peace Order.  He is stigmatized by a finding that he criminally harassed Brett Kimberlin, suggesting to friends, family and current and potential employers that he might pose a danger to others.   It is due to that ongoing stigma that Norton has a right to appeal this decision.

And Kimberlin seems to understand that this is an issue.  Below the break I will embed both his motion to dismiss and Norton’s answer.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Throwing a Spotlight on Brett Kimberlin and Other Occupy-Linked Terrorists at Occupy the Truth

This is the latest post in what I half-jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  So if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

Hey, folks, it’s time for original reporting!

So as anyone following me on Twitter knows by now (handle: @AaronWorthing), I was in the audience at Jim Hoft’s and Andrew Marcus’s Occupy the Truth rally in Cleveland, Ohio this past Saturday.

The basic idea behind it was pretty easy to understand.  You can read their official documents for yourself, but I think I get it.  For years the mainstream media has portrayed the Tea Party as scary and potentially violent.  The bias involved was apparent from the start.  As I noted long before Occupy came on the scene, every time the G8, G4, or whatever met, you could expect liberal protesters to riot like clockwork, but they were not portrayed as scary, violent, dangerous, and so on, as the Tea Party had been when they showed up later.  But the double standard became even clearer when the Occupy protests began and we saw outbreaks of rapes in their camps and more disturbingly the prevalence of terrorists within their movement.  As I have written before, there are ten alleged or convicted terrorists connected to Occupy.  Indeed just a few weeks ago, Anthony Hayne pled guilty to attempted terrorism.  And certainly the attack on the Family Research Council—or as I like to call it, “The Hate Crime of Tolerance”—has only highlighted the truly dangerous streak on the left that the mainstream media tends to ignore.

This is not to say liberalism is wrong or bad because of these outbreaks of violence.  I find little of value in liberal philosophy, but not based on that.  I have said before that I believe there has to be a strong relationship between the ideology and the violence inspired by it, before you can denounce a viewpoint has being “violent.”  American racism, for instance, led directly to terrorist acts like the 16th Street bombing; islamofascism leads to violence against "infidels" including Muslims who do not follow that philosophy.  While there seems to be a lot of violence in the modern protest left, I don’t think their causes inherently promote violence the way that racism and islamofascism tends to promote violence, although I could be wrong.  But there is certainly a violence problem in the left’s protest culture that has to be weeded out, there is a rape problem, and there is a terrorism problem

And of course this hits closer to home for me because one of those on the list of Occupy-connected terrorists is Brett Kimberlin.  Regular readers know that this man has been stalking and harassing me and other conservative writers for over a year, including attempting to frame me for a crime and even attempting to get my wife and I killed.

And if you didn’t know that, welcome to the site!  I don’t expect everyone in the world to have read about my story, but let me start to introduce you to it with this video:

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Breaking: Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin Fails to Comply With Discovery (Update: Twitchalanche?)

This is the latest post in what I call jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  So if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

Update: Twitchy links!  Can you break my code now?

That is the upshot of the latest press release from the Blogger’s Defense Team—a group of lawyers that is defending myself and others against Team Kimberlin’s ongoing lawfare tactics another related efforts to suppress Freedom of Expression.

But that takes a few moments to explain.  In my last post on this subject I said that discovery had been served.  What I didn’t know is that it had been served much, much earlier than I realized, so that it was due...  on August 10.  That would be almost a week ago.  So yes, I was posting we had served him with discovery two days before it was due.  In fact he was already informing my attorneys by then he would not comply.

Glenn Reynolds once observed that in a promised lawsuit by Brandon Darby against Neal Rauhauser that “the discovery process should be productive.”  Well, apparently that is precisely what Kimberlin doesn’t want in this case: productive discovery.  The deadline has passed and Kimberlin has refused to comply, to any degree, with legally mandated discovery requests.  He hasn’t produced one relevant document, answered a single interrogatory, and so on.

Perhaps some intrepid reporter who knows something of the law should ask Kimberlin why he is not complying.  I know his stated reason but my attorneys have asked me not to disclose it, but I will say that it is frivolous as a matter of law.

And of course we are not taking this lying down.  The Blogger’s Defense Team has served Kimberlin with a motion to compel requiring him to actually, you know, comply with the law.  Imagine that!

Before I released my monster post laying out how Brett Kimberlin attempted to frame me for a crime and kicking off this story, one of my family asked me, “why does it have to be you doing this?”  Why not someone else?

The answer I gave them is because this represents the best opportunity in a long time to hold him accountable.  I knew that he has left a years-long trail of destruction in his wake.  He has abused our courts to ruin many peoples’ lives; one can only speculate just how many people have experienced his harassment.  But my case was unique because the conduct is egregious—he tried to trick Maryland officials into imprisoning me for up to ten years—and best of all, I can absolutely prove it.  You only have to look at this video...

...and you will see with your own eyes that Kimberlin tried to frame me for a crime.  And so this represents the best chance in a long time to get justice, not just for myself but for the untold number of others who have been victimized by him.

But while justice cannot be bought, it is expensive.  That is why I need people to donate to the Blogger’s Defense Team, so they can continue to hold Kimberlin to account.

Kimberlin’s entire strategy is built around trying to outlast  his opponents.  Recall what he said to Patrick Frey when threatening him with a frivolous defamation suit:

I have filed over a hundred lawsuits and another one will be no sweat for me. On the other hand, it will cost you a lot of time and money[.]

(Emphasis added.)  Kimberlin’s goal is to exhaust us, financially and in terms of time.  So by giving to the Blogger’s Defense Team you are helping to ensure that his strategy of delay and obstruction will fail.  Show him that however long he drags this out, we will see this through.

So please, hit the donate button on the right, or go to their website.  And for that matter, here is the press release.

In other news, the default judgment hearing related to Neal Rauhauser and Ron Brynaert will be on August 31, in the Prince William County, Manassas, Virginia.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Today at 3 p.m. Eastern, I Talk with Lee Stranahan About Brett Kimberlin

This is the latest post in what I jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  So if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

Update: Let me finish the thought I had been trying to get out when Lee ran out of time.  I know a lot of people have been hurt by this crew.  There are many people hoping that they can finally get justice with the story having erupted as it has.  Let me submit to everyone hurt by Team Kimberlin that my suits against Kimberlin, Rauhauser and Brynaert represent the best chance to get justice for everyone hurt by them.

I know that sounds like I am being self-centered, but let's try to look at this objectively.  In most of the other cases, we have a problem of proof—showing exactly who did what to whom.  That is not to say I am doubting any of those stories, but you need solid proof in a court of law.   By contrast, we know Kimberlin tried to frame me for a crime.  We have the video and we have the transcripts, criminal complaints and so on, where he lied under oath about the incident.  There is no question on this point.  And we have Rauhauser and Brynaert dead to rights conspiring with Kimberlin to defame me, interfere with my business and so on.

So because the proof is so strong here, this litigation represents the best chance to bring all three men to account, which is precisely why I am pushing it.  And who knows?  In the process of litigating it, maybe some light and indeed some proof of the other wrongs they have committed will come to light.  Other lawsuits might follow based on the information we uncover.  It is indeed exactly why I felt it was more important for me than anyone else to go public with what they did to me, because I recognized that this was the best chance in a long time for anyone to bring them to justice.

And here’s the other thing.  They know it, too.  That is why they have been working so hard to destroy me and everyone who is helping me.

So I am asking for everyone's support, both moral and yes, financial.  Some say we should not suggest that justice can be bought.  Well, it can’t be bought, but it does cost money.  So if you are a victim of Team Kimberlin, or you are just someone who cares about justice, please give to the Blogger’s Defense Team on the right and please try to convince others to do the same.

And I thank everyone who has done so and everyone who will do so.


My good internet friend Lee Stranahan is going to have me on his radio show at 3 p.m. eastern time.  He wants to talk about what has been happening in the Kimberlin saga, and about my book!  You can listen in by going here.

There is going to be light blogging for now because I am doing some writing that is not intended for public consumption... yet.  Still, if you listen and want to help hold Team Kimberlin to account, please donate to the Blogger’s Defense Team on the right.  If you want to see Kimberlin be forced to comply with discovery requests, and so on, hit the freaking donate button!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Breaking: Brett Kimberlin Loses (Again)

This is the latest post in what I call jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  So if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

Previously I shared with you the criminal complaint against Martin Maher, a Florida resident accused or less of making harassing phone calls to Kimberlin, various people in his family and to his neighbors.  I had been keeping an eye on the case and saw the he had a court date he was supposed to show up for a few weeks ago (probably just an arraignment), but then... nothing happened.  And normally if you miss an arraignment, they put out a warrant for your arrest.

Well, today on the Maryland Judiciary Case Search website we get the disposition of the matter.  The prosecutors have dropped the case:

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Blogger’s Defense Team Goes on the Offensive Against Team Kimberlin (Update: Instalink!)

Update: Glenn Reynolds links and declares "He chose... poorly."

Well, I have long argued that his choice of targets was influenced by bigotry.

And long-time blog ally Blazing Catfur has linked as well.  Catfuralanche?

Update (II): More linkage from Hogewash, Patterico, and Twitchy.  Cool.

Yes, please hit the freaking donate button!!!

We now resume the original post as is.


This is the latest post in what I call jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  So if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

That’s the upshot of the latest press release from the Blogger’s Defense Team, a group I introduced about a month ago.  This is not a picture of them:

(Always be happy warriors, folks.)

This is a basically an initiative led by Dan Backer and his firm designed to defeat this threat to Freedom of Speech represented by convicted terrorist Brett "Speedway Bomber" Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser, Ron Brynaert and others through litigation.  And in today’s press release they are pushing forward on the Virginia suit I shared with you.

There are several things you can pick up from today’s press release.  First, remember on Monday when Robert McCain revealed the defamatory emails sent by Neal Rauhauser to various members of Congress?  In his post, McCain noted that Darby was threatening to sue Rauhauser and Glenn Reynolds had this observation: “the discovery process should be productive. . . .”  Funny you should say that, Mr. Reynolds, because the discovery process has already begun in my case.  Kimberlin has been served with discovery and has twenty-one days in which to comply.

And we won’t be revealing what we served on him just yet, but I have seen it.  I chuckled at the sight of it.  He’s going to hate every minute of this.  He has plainly screwed with the wrong people.

Second, while Brett Kimberlin has improperly answered my complaint at least he answered; both Ron Brynaert and Neal Rauhauser have ignored it, which is never a wise thing to do when you are being sued.  This is despite the fact that they have actual knowledge of the lawsuit and indeed Brynaert was all over twitter in February beating his chest about how he looked forward to fighting this suit.  So we have moved for a default judgment against both of them.

Third, the Blogger’s Defense Team don’t emphasize this too much but we do need to raise more money to keep this suit going.  Do you want to see if Brett Kimberlin has the gonads to commit perjury in Virginia, where they might not be so lenient on convicted terrorists?  Then please donate.  It’s the first button on the right, or just go to their site.

Anyway, you can read the entire press release, here.  Or read below the fold:

Exclusive: What the Official July 5 Hearing Transcript Tells You About Convicted Terrorist Brett Kimberlin’s Attempt to Get My Wife and I Killed

This is the latest post in what I call jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  So if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

I have been waiting to write this post for a while, to pick the moment that felt right, and I think this is it.  I want to talk a little more about how convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin tried to get my wife and I killed (in my opinion).

So last week I got a copy of the final transcript of the July 5 hearing.  For those not following along, Brett Kimberlin has been on a nine month campaign of harassment that has included attempting to frame me for a crime.  When I revealed this conduct to the world, he obtained an abusive peace order against me forbidding me from talking about him on the internet for six months on the theory that by merely writing that he engaged in reprehensible conduct, I was inciting violence against him and thus could be stopped with an injunction.  This is not the law, and indeed the judge in that case, Judge Vaughey, actually disregarded controlling Supreme Court precedent by name.  That part of the injunction was vacated even before appeal was heard (after which I was SWATted), and then on July 5, we heard the full appeal.

I have previously reported on the hearing and even made my own attempt to transcribe parts of it, but I have not yet released the official transcript.  So let me give that to you, now:

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Brett Kimberlin’s Associate Neal Rauhauser Defames Me, Again

This is the latest post in what I call jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  So if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

So tonight over at Stacy McCain’s site they have published emails sent by Neal Rauhauser to various government officials including Congresswoman Sandy Adams.  You might remember that Neal Rauhauser has been described by convicted domestic terrorist Brett Kimberlin as an “associate” of his, and that Rauhauser described himself as a representative of Kimberlin’s and Brad Freidman’s Velvet Revolution.  More positively, you might remember that Ms. Adams actually released a statement about my SWATting on the night of the event, which was very cool of her.  She is asking for your help in her current race, an effort I heartily endorse.

Anyway, I’ll leave most of the response to others, but let me make a few points.  In this deluded and factually-challenged email by Rauhauser, he suggests that he believes that Brandon Darby—a Breitbart-connected blogger—is the SWATter.  So you might be interested to know what I, a victim of this crime, think of that accusation.

Now I have to confine what I am about to say to the prior three calls.  I have been asked by investigators not to speak about what I know about the fourth SWATting call.  But they didn’t say I couldn’t express an opinion about the prior three.  Rauhauser makes much of the fact my call hasn’t been released, but this is a different jurisdiction with different preferences about how to go about this stuff.

But with that caveat, let me say it again.  I do not believe that Brandon Darby SWATted any of the prior victims.  Again I can’t say anything about my own call, either to support him or not.  And I will stress that this is my belief based on listening to Darby’s voice and listening to the first three SWATting recordings, but I do not believe it was him.

Anyway, so I will let other people pick apart the crazy in the rest of the emails, but I wanted to focus on the part about my life.  Let’s count the factual inaccuracies, shall we:

Aaron Walker, Manassas Virginia, June 25th
Walker was outed as the operator of the Islamophobic Everyone Draw Mohammed blog...

Except the blog was actually a free-speech, anti-terrorism blog.  And phobic?  Is he denying that there were people threating artists with death if they dared to depict Mohammed—even in the most benign way?  Or does he just think this is not a problem?

…January of 2012, he was arrested for assaulting Brett Kimberlin on January 9th at a contempt hearing for Seth Allen,...

Oy and the factual inaccuracies are coming in fast and furious, here.  First, I was not arrested on January 9, or on any other date, in connection to Kimberlin’s assault charge.  Second, you all know by now I didn’t assault Brett Kimberlin and his claims that I did assault him are contradicted by video evidence.  And third, Kimberlin didn’t even allege that I assaulted him at the hearing—it was supposedly after.

...whom either he or Frey had been guiding to smear Kimberlin.

Which isn’t true, either.  In case it isn’t obvious, no one controls Seth Allen.

…He was arrested again for a peace order violation in June,...

Except 1) I didn’t violate the peace order, and 2) I was arrested in May.  You should know that, Neal.  You were there.

…and this triggered the massive “Everyone Blog About Brett Kimberlin” smear, publicly announced by Lee Stranahan and promoted by Ali Akbar/National Bloggers Club.

Which is really amazing, because this is proof that Lee and Ali are time-travelers.  I mean how else can you explain how my arrest on May 29 on Kimberlin’s second set of false charges would cause Lee to announce several weeks before that May 25th was Everyone Blog About Brett Kimberlin Day?  I mean it’s either that or Rauhauser is an idiot who cannot keep track of events he actually lived through.

Or so I thought, until exclusive to this website, we got this photograph of Lee and Ali together with their special DeLorean...

Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Fivolity: Three Words. Brony. Fighting. Game.

Sometime in the last few months I learned about the phenomenon of Bronies.  “Bronies” are fans of the show My Little Pony, particularly the more recent My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, who happen to be guys.  Get it?  Bro, as in brother, bro-nies?  So yes, this is a thing.

And they even have a thing called Bronycon.  Yes, hard-core Trekkies, you finally have someone you can look down on!  Here’s some videos from it:

And then today we get the special horror that is the Brony fighting game.  Called Fighting is Magic, this is a 2-D fighting game, featuring My Little Pony.  Which is being created for free, to be released for free, by the fans and without approval of the actual franchise owners.

You can watch some of it here:

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Exclusive: Convicted Perjurer Brett Kimberlin’s Answer to My Virginia Complaint

This is the latest post in what I call jokingly call The Kimberlin Saga®.  If you are new to the story, that’s okay! Not everyone reads my blog.  So if you are new to the story, go to this page and you’ll be able to catch up on what has been happening.

A bit back I shared with you the complaint in my Virginia lawsuit against Brett Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser and Ron Brynaert.  Now I am going to share with you Brett Kimberlin’s answer to it.

For the most part, I will let it speak for itself, but here’s some set up for those who don’t know everything about civil procedure as it is practiced in most states, including Virginia.  Bluntly most lawyers can skip this and go straight to the document.

A lawsuit is initiated by a complaint.  It sets out facts and the law in a plea for damages.  And as you saw last time, the paragraphs of the complaint are numbered.  There is a purpose in that numbering.

You see the Defendant is then required to file an “Answer” (or another responsive pleading) and the answer is supposed to acknowledge and respond specifically to each and every numbered paragraph.  So for each one, you are supposed to admit, deny, state that you don’t know, and so on.

The idea is to whittle the suit down to what is really at issue: what facts are disputed and what are not.  You might have a suit involving an accident where it is admitted there was a collision, the amount of damages are not disputed, but fault is at issue.  Or there might be another accident case where there is no question that there was an auto accident, that the defendant was at fault, but the defendant claims the plaintiff is asking for too much in damages.  So this process is designed to systematically identify what is truly at issue.

And every single allegation I have made that is not denied by Brett Kimberlin is admitted to.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Our Modern Edward R. Murrow, Thrown Under the Bus(t) by White House

So last week White House Communications Director Dan Pfiefer wrote a post on the official White House Blog (assuming these people write their own posts at all) supposedly correcting Charles Krauthammer and others’ claim that the Obama administration returned a bust of Winston Churchill at the beginning of his presidency.  This included lines like this:

Lately, there’s been a rumor swirling around about the current location of the bust of Winston Churchill. Some have claimed that President Obama removed the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office and sent it back to the British Embassy.

Now, normally we wouldn’t address a rumor that’s so patently false, but just this morning the Washington Post’s Charles Krauthammer repeated this ridiculous claim in his column.  He said President Obama “started his Presidency by returning to the British Embassy the bust of Winston Churchill that had graced the Oval Office.”

This is 100% false. The bust still in the White House. In the Residence. Outside the Treaty Room. 

Well, I first learned of that post, when I saw Keith Olbermann tweet this out:

Remember that bust of Churchill POTUS sent back to England? He didn't. He moved it nearer to his bedroom. … #tcot

He then went on to taunt and insult other journalists on the right, writing this for example: